Saturday, 10 November 2018

In the Beginning was the Word

In the Beginning was The Word ©
Michael Casey

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was made flesh. We all know this sentence no matter what Faith we have, or don’t have. Our words define us, they bind us they stir us, they bring us great Peace, or they summon us to War. You will deny me 3, three times, before the cock crows, we’ve all heard those words too.

So why are words so important? Because they lead to actions, and actions speak louder than words. Words have value and power, but when they are overused or misused then the words spoken are worthless, talk is cheap but money buys bread as my own dad would say. But what does that mean? Put your money where your mouth is, give power and strength your words. If you say something then back it up by your actions. I will cut the lawn, not stay in bed playing on your computer console. So you actually do cut the grass, instead of just smoking it.

We all know of the good and bad sons, one said he’d work but did not, the other said he would not work but had 2nd thoughts and did. Actions and words, there is a difference. Over use of words, makes them meaningless. Hero is over used. Did he save many lives without thinking of the cost. It’s November 11th  2018 tomorrow and we remember heroes and plain GI Joes  tomorrow in Flanders Fields and many a battlefield. Ordinary men who died 100 years ago in the war to end all wars, heroes led by donkeys is one phrase I half remember. We are told it helped end the forelock touching Class system in Britain.

Words and deferential words were use 100 years ago, but then the Tommy woke up and wondered what was it all for, and why should he call anybody Sir. In USA it’s always more casual, more friendly even. But Politicians abuse the people the world over. You are a hero so long as you do the leader’s bidding. The word gets over used and abused. My hero is the guy who just brought me my glass of Coke, he is such a Good Man for doing that. When the word should be reserved for the firefighters in California fighting those fire, when death and smoke is all around them.

Climate change is real, that’s why storms are so bad and so often, don’t blame lazy firefighters from your self imposed ivory tower of ignorance. Words kill, they destroy, they harm at the very least, so weigh your words well. Any Fool can throw out ignorant words, based on your ivory tower of ignorance. Find out Facts and accept them, even if it does not fit your own stunted world view. If a thing is black, then it is black. It never becomes white no matter how many times you lie that it is. You are not a washing powder salesman, or maybe you are.

If you are in somebody’s home you don’t use the curtains to wipe your hands on, nor complain about the foreign food. You should try and stay polite and if you cannot Be Nice as Les Dawson said,then just be quiet. The world does not revolve around you, and if you are attending such a Holy occasion, and it is Holy, then don’t do all the photo opportunities and then say you don’t like the transport and sulk in your hotel.

A humble hour car ride to visit the graves of true heroes from 100 years ago, is well worth your time. You have time, they do not, they are lying in their graves. So you came all the way to France, but did not bother visits the graves of USA GIs. 100 years of History has past since they died, but you could not bother to share a car with your retired generals. Because it was too humble, so while they honoured fallen men, what did you do, did you pray silently in the hotel, or just Tweet? While Jesus died on the cross the Centurian named Trump just tweeted.

Words are used to deny and lie, especially. I swear I do not know him, I swear even more I do not know him. As the CNN cock crows three times more, as the faked films are released. So now an AG who you don’t know, even though you have had many a last supper together. And what do we learn about the new AG, the man you want to bury the Russian Investigation. Apart from the fact he is a great cheer leader and can do the splits, almost as well as you. We hear that GIs were scammed by a company the new AG was connected to.

So as you sit in your hotel room, thinking about yourself, and not those GIs buried for 100 years in a foreign field. Remember the bad son who in the end became a good son. Which one will you be? The cock is crowing, the cock is always crowing. This is your Nobel moment, he read his own obituary, then he changed. Will you change this November morn? Or will all your words prove worthless, because your actions are worthless too.  A man is judged by his actions, not what he says but what he does. And as Truman knew the Buck Stop Here, so stop passing the buck to save a buck, shoulder your responsibilities. Just as today we shoulder the coffin of an unknown soldier. Rest in Peace honorable men, class of 1918.  

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