Sunday, 25 November 2018

If you are wondering why

If you are wondering why I have people in my stories who are not perfect, indeed far from perfect, then just look at my photo. Obviously I am much better looking that George Clooney, but I drink instant coffee, none of your fancy stuff, and I drink from a mug. I don't have any money unlike George Clooney either, not even the tips he gives to folks in the hotels he stays at. I was Front of House staff at Crowne Plaza Birmingham NEC for 3 years, 2002 to 2005 so I  do know all about hotel work.

So why do I have the great unwashed as they can be called as "heroes". Because I am one of them, so stand downwind or at least 2 metres away from your screen. I am one of the least of the brethren, though having read any of stuff, and there are 4100+pages of stuff over the 16 books, on Amazon
or 1,400,000 Words or so, well you'll say I really am a stone that the builder rejected, or should have let his dog pee on.
But that is your opinion, just as "YOU wrote that!" in utter disbelief as if I'm dog mess on a shoe, that is just some of the remarks I've got alone the way. It's not a Via Dolorosa but you need to be very thick skinned if you want to be a writer. So the only path is to ignore all comments good or bad, and write what you like, what you love to write and what amuses you. And then hope that  folks will agree with you that you are a good storyteller.

I can remember watching the Storyteller with John Hurt on tv back in 1991 or so.  I just wish I were as good as him in that show. I also used to listen to my dad telling stories, yes repeating himself but I just loved the experience. And me and my dad were very close, and that's how I ended up with a wife, checkout Padre Pio and Me for details.

All in all I am an Altruist, I  won't claim to be anything else, so it's instinctive for me to want to help or encourage people which may explain why I was so good at hotel work, and then later as an ESOL English teacher. Then if you follow that through, I want my fellow "rejects" to win the day, I don't want arrogant patronising smug people to win or control me, which explains why I too detest Donald Trump. As my mother said when I was 4 or 5, you are as good as anybody. And I think the entire family proved that academically in my  generation, and our kids are doing just the same too. So never never never put down Kerry folk, nor Kerry mixed with Shanghai either. We may come from very humble stock, but without stock there is no goodness.

So when I write I add the stock, the goodness to the pot, and that comes from all that was poured into me by my mother and father.  From every person I have met along the way, great and small all of them  God's creatures. You learn from everybody you meet, and if you are too arrogant not to realise that, then you are missing ingredients in your own life. I'm not pretending to be  humble, life has humbled me along the way with the good and bad and sad things in my life. However the people who have been the kindest have been the little people, and I don't just mean the Fairies. And it's because I have observed all these little people that I have material to write about. However when I meet the Big People I will hold my hand out and take their kindness, and then I can share it with the little people.

So much for my dream, I've dumped my stuff all over the Internet just in case The Grim Reaper gets me first, and then all my words would have been lost. So now you know. I also know about chronic pain, so  I bore you all about that too.  So I'll finish now as I need some fizzy pop to drink, as I rarely drink alcohol,  though Stella Artois is nice when I do drink.

Support the little people in your life because they won't fly away to safety, they will come running to rescue you. And that more or less explains me. By the way, it is also better to pretend to be stupid, because some people cannot cope if your light is bigger than theirs, and that is reverse logic  for you, or have I got that backwards.

Michael Casey    25 Nov 2018

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far