Wednesday, 14 November 2018

14th Nov 2018 another message from the writer

14th Nov 2018 another message from the writer

Well thank you all for reading my stuff, the USA figures have gone wild at the moment. So either the writing is popular, you could hate me but love the writing, a bit like Donald Trump, you can discuss that over a beer. Or it might just be that Langley has a new super computer and they are trawling the web and have found me by accident. Or it might just be the janitor in his cupboard having a bit of fun. Whatever thanks for passing by.

I hear General Kelly is due to be sacked, was that for showing up the Pres, Kelly took a cab and went in the rain to a Paris field/forest. While the Pres stayed at the hotel, watching cartoons
, or  was it CNN so he could,  hate them even more.
Maybe the living cannot touch the President, but the dead might, Vets don't buy the President did not want to cause a traffic jam in Paris France. The dead buried for 100 years in a foreign field will rise up and cause trouble for the President. Or maybe the Vets will do it for them.
Watch CNN, or Fox for when the fallout comes.

I could go on, as Trump is the worse president ever, no class, class cannot be bought no matter how much money he claims to have, I suspect everything is mortgaged to the hilt, when the tax returns are leaked and Barron Trump might be the leaker because he wants his dad back. Back playing golf together. I know what I'd chose to be, DAD, dad first last and always. Paul Ryan was right, Trump should follow his example. But maybe I'm just old fashioned. In my novel Big Sid is the Butcher with a heart as big as a mountain. Only after I finished writing the book  did I realise who I'd written. It was my dad, my dad's spirit. I loved my dad too much to insert him into the novel, but at the end I realised he was at it's core. In the sequel Tears for a Butcher, Big Sid is shot 3 times and his life is held in the palm of God's hand, just as my dad's was in real life back in 1996. I won't tell you any more about the sequel as I probably will never  write it down on paper.

I spotted Columbia was reading my stuff too, so hello to Michael Douglas fans and Romancing the Stone. I do speak a little Spanish and my novel can be found in full  in Spanish on my Wordpress site.   if you look for it.
I would prefer you all to buy my books in English from Amazon

But I don't have the time to waste trying to persuade you all, but do tell all your local media. And by the way if you are a naughty boy feel free to transfer billions to Birmingham University Medical school so they can do Pain Relief, which is something close to my heart and all over my body. So thank you Columbia hasta luego.

I'll finish loading up my Audio to my typepad

then you'll have 200 or so audio pieces, about 12 hours of my voice reading my stories.

I'm leaving all this stuff  as a legacy, though I do want paying, I'm laughing now, nobody pays because its the Internet. But I could be finally discovered, if only by a supercomputer in Langley.

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far