Friday, 9 November 2018

Outrageous Lies

Outrageous Lies

Well if the White House doctors video you know the end is near.

Will there be Martial Law when Trump is finally caught out?

Will the 25 Amendment kick in

Hiding behind pseudo manners does not wash, people are not morons

Even if you treat them as if they are


Eventually the school bully is put down

Hitler had to be put down, but America did not care as it was over there

Now in their own country everything is slowly being corrupted

No Man is above the Law

Republicans have to stand up against him for the sake of the Republic

Is it Russian Mafia  Money that bailed out Trump?

We heard that over here in UK

Did he invest in abortion clinics?

The dirty little secret will come out in the end

No President can be his own Police, Judge and Jury

But in Trump's mind he is a god

Nobody believes it

When the economy turns and it will in time for 2020

Then when people lose money, then they will drop him like a stone

Rolling Stones gather no moss

But no amount of rallies can prevent the moss of History finally covering Trump

The next thing will be a foreign adventure, to distract from home worries

Will Trump nuke North Korea in a fit of rage?

Then claim he is a hero, defending America, looking oh so Presidential

But sadly North Korea will take out Boston, with a nuke hidden on a cargo ship

All this is Outrageous  Fears?

Or will the bully be put back on his golf courses and orderly diplomacy  return  to the world.

History teaches us there will be a crisis

Let's hope that a few good men are there by his side to save USA and all  of us

Even if it means putting handcuffs on the President and an orange jump suit to match his orange


For Evil to Prosper all it takes is Good Men to watch and do nothing.

The fake White House video harks back to evil in other times and places

If something is not done soon, it will be too late.

An angry, bitter, resentful, vain old man prowling around a podium, is not a good advert for the

USA. The Presidency has been tarnished perhaps forever by this toxic brand of a man.

Ronald Regan and JFK must be spinning in their graves.

It's time for Republicans to save the Republic, or has all honour been sold too,

 for  30 pieces of silver ?

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far