Sunday, 23 July 2017

Gender pay Gap

I think women are better than men.

I have two very clever daughters.

Equal pay for equal work.

Now at the BBC we have this row over pay.

If you have a better agent who may take 25% you get more pay.

But it seems Women are paid a lot less.

So do you increase their pay to match men's?

Or do you say all those in the media are prima donas.

So FREEZE men's pay till women catch up?

Or halve men's Pay?

Or  have a 150K ceiling on all pay at BBC?

If you have a ceiling it might encourage new talent.

As the overpaid leave?

A star on Low Pay earns 10 times that of a bus driver?

So kill two birds with one stone, no gender joke, but

IF pay is too high then LOWER it and let new people come in.

Or am I just Jealous of these highly paid people?

And  isn't  the Love of Money the Root of all Evil?

Or am I just a sad jealous man ?


The ideas expressed in this post are Talking Points, make up your own Minds.

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...