Friday, 7 July 2017

Putin and Trump visit a Hamburger Joint in Germany

Putin and Trump visit a Hamburger Joint in Germany ©
Michael Casey

Putin and Trump are in Germany, May has joined them with Mrs Merkle too. They are forming a band together and will tour all the Beer Gardens. Their first song will be Handshake a modern rock aria, with a Chorus of Grip My Hand Grip My Hand while I do a Hand Stand. Let us shake rattle and roll while the EU is on the Pole Danzing and Prancing the Night Away.

I would sing more but I have to cower on the floor as North Korea spits into the sky, I just don't know why. Why can't the dear leader come and be a K Pop fan he could always be a roadie and drive our van. May and Merkle in hot pants giving all they have got, Abba you are so old fashioned compared to Us Mazel tovs for that's the name of the band.

Putin is the drummer slapping down the and kicking the bass drums with his bare feet.

Trump is on electric guitar as he swings and chips and chips and swings making his guitar really sing, Hendrix would have died to be as good, old orange face really knows how to let it rip, as he prances about the stage, smiling as he plays. Nobody but nobody is as good as Trump on stage, that's why Putin has turned into Ginger Baker on the drums, he is livid with rage, but looking up Trump is his Jimmy Page.

May and Merkle are whipping the crowds into a frenzy in their hot panted duets, making everybody sweat. On dashes the dear leader in his Gangham Style pants wriggling his bum as if he has ants, he holds icecreams so the 4 some Mazel Tovs are refreshed. Then the dear leader pulls apart his own string vest and rubs ice cream all over his smooth chest.

Putin's dog comes on stage to lick the ice cream away and then Peace is restored if only for one more day.

Well I hope World's Political Reporters like this.
I'm still hoping for a slot on the Radio anywhere to read my 1200 stories out, one a day repeated 6 times a day, just like laxative for the mind. Any Takers anywhere in the world? 

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...