Wednesday, 26 July 2017


Humility (c)
Michael Casey

Well I was trawling the news on the Internet tonight, and I stumbled over a piece on MSN news. A lady in USA  ran out of gas as they call it  and went looking for a petrol station. A good Samaritan helped her out and tipped the money from his wallet into her hands. Later that man's mother I believe was sick and needed a nurse. The booked nurse did not turn up, but a substitute turned up. It was the lady who had been helped by the Good Samaritan. They got talking  and realised HE had helped her, now she would help his mum.  Time passed and His mother died and instead of flowers they asked for donations. These donations were given to the nurse to help HER with her  further nursing studies.
There is a video on MSN I think, where the nurse  got her reward.

I read this stumbled upon story and was touched by it, as I hope you all were. Brought a tear to my eye.

Maybe I complain about my pains too much, I'm too eloquent in my pain.

Then as a random look I searched for a house on the Internet. We could have bought the wrong one over the weekend. On too steep  a hill for my heart. Then what appeared before me? The perfect house, maybe? So I rung my wife and we agreed to tale a peek.Nobody was in, we couldn't force our way in for a look. We wanted to ask a neighbour about the house that was for sale.Only they would not open the door. Perhaps me and my Chinese wife looked too strange. Then riding towards us came a friend on his bike,  He is the Godfather to our big daughter, his wife is the Godmother to our other daughter. So I said we are going to buy this house, he nearly fell off his bike but came and chatted.
Then  as we were about to walk away the  owners arrived. So we doorstepped them and they were gracious enough to allow us to look at the house.

We immediately made an offer. So will we finally find a new house that'll be my final home, this is where I'll live till I die. This is where my daughter will study whiles she does her A levels then studies Medicine. This is where me and my smaller daughter can finally have a dog called Camembert. This is where the wife can park in comfort.

So tonight I feel very humble, but am I humble enough to deserve this house, this home.
Below is where my mother was born and lived till she was 12 years old. She used to joke about me wanting a house and there were many Mansions in Heaven. Well mum if you are listening the house we saw tonight is good enough, so can you twist a few arms in Heaven. As ever its up to Mum.

All our Mums.

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...