Thursday, 6 July 2017

Hello UAE and any other new readers out there 6/july/17

Well I'm back from my internet holiday, so I hoped you missed me. I've written 5 or 6 new stories while I was away so I hope you like them, I'll post them in an hour or so.

Well the world has turned these past 10 days. So I hope all of us everywhere can pray that it does not end in a blinding flash.

If you are the Prince in UAE who has been reading my stuff then hello to you. But I bet the only guy reading my stuff in UAE is a cleaner on the night shift in some fancy hotel.

So tell all your friends normal service will be resumed and 
I'll be annoying you all again with my writing.

Nobody has offered me any Radio or Publishing deals, but after some  of the nights of pain I've had due to my arthritis I'll settle for  NO PAIN.

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...