Friday, 14 July 2017

Celine Dion and Me

I had a tiring day today, and the pain monster came a  calling too. I also had a problem and somebody sent me a reply to the wrong email, so delaying the result days due to their incompetence, its a saga I can do without.

I am so angry about that, especially as I don't have the stamina to waste on people's ineptness.
I worked Front of House for 3 years in a 4 star business hotel. but I'm wasting my energy on lazy people....

Tonight I looking at the papers after I've had a nap and I'm reading about Celine Dion, she is part of my family's story as her song was playing on the radio the night my mother died and the priest came back to the family house. Dad crumpled, he knew mum was really really dead.  I wrote about it in Padre Pio and Me its on the internet. 8 weeks later it was dad's turn to die, but he lived....

Now my 16 year daughter  old hopes to do A levels and ultimately become a Dr, I hope I live long enough to see her graduate, I gave myself 10 years grace after my unplanned quadruple heart bypass 2 years ago. I hope I live much longer but I have warned my 2 daughters to enjoy me while I'm here.

Which brings me to Celine Dion, I know the pain of love she is going through, so I say a little prayer for her and I encourage you all to do the same. She is such a great talent and her heart is broken, but she will honor her love more if she carries on living and singing. She should lift herself up, and by doing so she will lift the rest of us up too.

I doubt if she will see this piece but she will feel the love if all of us up pray for her. We all can do small things in our lives that can touch and help each other. Such as the beggar's God bless to me when I give something to her may be what's keeping  me going. So as a Celine Dion fan, and no I don't dress in drag and sing her songs, but I will if it makes Celine happy and she enjoys life and food again, even if she never performs.

Lets Lift Celine up together,  and any other person in our lives that needs a pray, cos Prayer Works, and if you don't believe me just read Padre Pio and Me.

Ok, Celine if you won't put that dress on then I will, my legs are better than yours anyway,

just Smile,   Michael Casey in Birmingham England

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...