Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Thinking about it

Thinking about It ©
Michael Casey

Well I’m all alone the girls have gone to take a look at the fair, and maybe the woods too. I’m just thinking what to write write about, usually its a quick decision then away I go, but today I’m tired as I was up in the night and I’ve written 2 short pieces already today. So I’m using it as a way of writing about, the thought itself as a piece of writing.

Sounds like something trendy people at a French or German University might do. The Nature of Thought, instead of writing a new good Tin Tin story. Writing about writing instead of doing some actual writing. You could say I prepare all the time, prepare for my writing break in the Mass Media, only my back list gets bigger, swollen almost and I have a zillion copies of all my stories scattered all over hyperspace. Over 1,108,000 words now copied and saved for Eternity.

I stop to scratch my nose and watch a pretty girl pass my window, this could be a metaphor but I’m not that clever. I’m good at misdirecting you up that garden path to nowhere. I’m tired so you won’t get any direction in this piece, though some may say there never was anyway.

I look outside and see the blue blue sky and our gay neighbours are in their bedroom as I look up, but I’ll respect their privacy. The flowers are all in bloom, cars glint in the summer sun, which can just be one day as we are in England after all. Gerry Rafferty is singing in the background, I feel like an ice-cream, so I may just head for the fridge and get one. But I remember we finished them yesterday, so I’ll settle for some Ribena.

These are the things you think about when you are too tired to produce something new, these are the random thoughts of this writer. So long sings Jerry Rafferty, I think I’ll say the same and leave it for today. 3 pieces in a day is enough. I did the surreal in an email and then something else, so this is your lot for today. You have plenty to read on my site https://michaelgcaseyfrombirminghamengland.wordpress.com 

So I’ll head for the settee and put my lazy feet up. You can also go to
For a cheap buy, from this cheap boy.
With that I’ll bid you good afternoon, form this buffoon.


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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and t.co came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...