Monday, 17 July 2017

Russian Readers, hello to you

I was thinking about writing a piece called Disappointment,  I just left the idea float, when I had a look at my other site. The TRANSLATIONS SITE.

as  I have a load of Translations there plus it auto translates if you click on the square on the top right.

Anyway to my surprise I discovered Russia was reading Shoplife in Translation.

Could it be that the Donald rung up Putin and said you gotta read this and its in Russian too.

They have to stay buddies after all.

Its given me an idea for a piece just in itself, but its very hot here in Birmingham, so you may have to wait a few hours for new material, which I'll collate into 15 Down in 6 months or so's time. I have to write  27 or is it 29 Dresses or rather books, then I can die happy. And no one page books don't count you evil naughty people.   to buy my cheap books, as in

inexpensive you naughty naughty people. You can read a few stories of each before you buy them, just look inside. Only 3USD each.

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...