Friday, 7 July 2017

Its nice to be back on the Internet

My screen seems bigger now that I'm back on the Internet, all I've done these past10 days is write and tidy up. I gained 20 gig on my PC, as I had loads of copies of stuff.
I've missed my newspapers too, so I'll be catching up with all of those. I may have won the Premium Bonds too, only I've lost my holder's number, its written down somewhere on a scrap of paper. If I can find it I can check online to see If I've won.  Otherwise I have to wait 3 weeks and then If I've won I get notification in the post. See, how exciting my life is.  But a quiet day without any pain is aways nice. Though  lying down does tend to bring out the pain monsters.

That's all, we look at another house tomorrow, but it'll probably be a no, any house where all the lights are on in the photos indicates that its a dark house, and we love light.

ok enough for now, tell everybody new material is coming so they can come back and read or better still buy my ebooks on amazon still only 2.99 each.

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...