Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England
Ukrainian Translations 2023
I had a load of Ukrainian readers on My Blogger so I’ll load up the Ukrainian stuff again
here and on my Bloggers, then I hope its a few moments of Peace before Putin finally
Now for information, I wrote the Three Cousins stories before Putin lost his mind
in the stories 3 cousins from where 3 countries make love on the map
Poland/Ukraine and Russia in a little village called Popaloffoff
so maybe in the future you’ll ….
As for BBU this is The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
I first finished that on 29th Feb 1988, so its 35 years old
I dream of writing a sequel Tears for a Butcher
I’ve written 1 and a half chapters
BUT i’ll probably never finish it
as a book is a year of your life
and with my Tinnitus, its hard enough to write a short story
But God is Good and maybe I’ll meet a speed typist from the Far East
we go on to have 4 children and form a Kpop band with me as the manager
The reality is that I may end up needing Dialysis in a few years time
on top of my Tinnitus and Arthritis and massive headaches and CkD
so obviously some would say I’m on the scrap heap already
but you never know God might say,
Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England
he’ll do for me, he is a SOB after all, Son of a Blacksmith
and from the scrapheap I am reborn as….
Well it’s better to think that
Never Give Up, Never Give In
Maybe I’m Ukrainian too
1917 Mary at Fatima did say in the end Her Immaculate Heart would win

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