Thursday, 16 February 2023

quiet day hiding from Tinnitus

quiet day hiding from Tinnitus

got up finally 

say Better Call Saul

he's lost his Kim

maybe she's in North Korea

I need to lose the processed salt in my diet

I have never sprinkled any

but read the labels and its frightening

so 2 staples of mine will disappear

Ckd and all that

want to avoid a tap in my arm 

and dialysis and all that

3 days a week 4 hours at a time

that'd really be too bad

even if I did it on the late shift

So to prevent and avoid all that

potentially I'll finally read the labels

25 GFR is too low

other reasons too

so lets see what I can do

TINNITITUS though is the worst part of my life

so lets see what I can up with 

If I ate beans and eggs combined and scrambled

I'd fart a lot

but I'd have central heating for FREE

I had to slap on the Hemp Oil Joint Cream

this works wonders and is a 1/3 of price of Voltorol

which is bad for kidneys

 i used a lot

and I use it every single day, pain killer on shoulder

and paracetamol every single day too

hence why I switched to Hemp Oil Joint Cream

and for idiots reading this

you cannot smoke it, it is legal

and has all the hippie stuff removed

what else can I say

Message from my small daughter she walked 13k today

I told her I did 26 miles or nearly 42k

in a day in the summer of 1976 when we  had a heatwave 35 degrees or so

March Assessor

that was me

3 times further than she did today

I do have very strong legs

which lent a vein into my heart back in 2015

thats it even if you are in Timbuktu  reading me

or Bosnia/Henz

See I'm so far away and you all suffer equally

NOW here's something far far better than me

here's Birmingham New Street Station


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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...