Friday, 24 February 2023

Don Camillo Omnibus

Don Camillo Omnibus

I got that today, I was expecting a 70 year old copy

I got a 43 year old copy

So I'll be enjoying that over next couple of weeks

Mr Trout my History teacher mentioned it back in 1974 maybe

I have read all of the Don Camillo a  few times

But as I said I woke up with Don Camillo page on  my phone

under my pillow

So time for me to re-read all of it again

I've been watching Breaking Bad too

very funny, and violent, great drama

I'm still sending also daily emails to my Moscow email list

Hope they waste their time on me, instead of Genocide in Ukraine

Who knows a might influence for good

First story in Don Camillo, the priest kicks the communist up the backside

ROC Pope should be doing that to Putin

instead of accepting Gazprom 30 pieces of silver

And what are you all going to give up for Lent

I'm checking my diet, SALT is dangerous

I want to avoid Dialysis if I can , 25 GFR puts me in danger zone

I want to avoid having a pipe plumbed into my arm

I want to avoid 3 evenings or nights having 4/5 hours of dialysis and travel

I'd like to live long enough to see my daughters fly even more

And yes a speed typist etc, would be nice, but that's bucket list stuff

So that's all for today

And yes I'll bore you all, Pray for Peace in Ukraine

Russia has to be beaten, and then go on to disarm nuclear weapons

That's what I believe

And then save the Planet

I'd love to lose 20 kilos too

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...