Monday, 27 February 2023

today turned out to be a PAIN day

today turned out to be a PAIN day

up early to see what you were all reading

then back to bed

Tinnitus worse that ever


every time I awake, and that's every 2 hours

Its like being under the fire alarm , no joke

anyway I hid in the study, where I do my writing

Its just another room,  study may sound pretentious

And I abhor pretentiousness 

So never use it on me

anyway my shoulder pain was not so bad the past few days

but today it decided to grab my attention

Ok, you don't want to hear any of this 

you just want free stories to say THANKS

but instead I get Junk, I want a big boy, let me live in in UK

the usual RUBBISH

or lately fake receipts and michaelgcasey displayed on email message


you get deleted unread

I know the cold and wind affects my Tinnitus as its part of Air Pressure

Maybe the Northern lights affects it too

Or maybe I should wear a hat in bed again

or finally seal my window in my bedroom

I also detest Junk phone calls to the old phone

I only use for music in my bed, I don't even know the phone number

and there is no credit on it, just I still get rubbish phone and text messages

and even WhatsApp, which I block immediately

Maybe it's the Russians getting revenge  for the daily messages  I send in the night

There is only one message


if you follow the link above Great Great Comedy Gold

so that's all from me

Live Long and Prosper

and remember Quality is always better that Quantity

Maybe I should be a spy, under cover maybe

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...