Friday, 3 February 2023

Politics the Art of the Possible

Politics the Art of the Possible, Kind Of (c)
By Michael Casey

Over here we have enquiries into bullying
He looked at me with the wrong tone of voice
He did not call They
He did not respect my differences
and would not let me use the women's toilets
He did not allow me compete in women's sports
I only shave twice a day, and am 60kilos heavier than the "others"
He is prejudiced
He won't call me Madam
He says I am a bit of a Madam
He says he is honest, decent, legal and truthful
I'm not talking about Trump either
He says he loves people, he's doing it out of the good of his heart
His Resume if I may steal an American word
His Resume is remarkable, he has 3 degrees and says he used to be a singer
He likes to cross dress too, but he needs to shave his legs more often
He said he did not cry, there was something in his eye
He says he's very religious, he only has affairs with vicars daughters
He says they are so pure, and he won't catch any diseases from them
He says he has never taken drugs, and he didn't inhale anyway
He says statues should stay, he says you cannot rewrite History
He says he believe in free speech, but charges 100,000 for 20 mins
He demands the best wine from   the top vine in the Green Room
He wants payment in cash in a vacuum sealed bag
He says the other guy, is a liar a cheat and a fraud and a womaniser
He had to film that a few times, as he was standing by a mirror
And the crew could be seen laughing
He says only HE can lead, and the last result was a mistake
And will he support the official Candidate
No he won't, it’s his ball, so he'll run away
Leaving everybody else on the field with no balls
And on it goes
This writer here, 
Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham ENGLAND
Grew up watching the Political Interviews with my dad
Sir Robin Day, who was a trained Barrister, no he did not make coffee, 
he was a lawyer, he made mincemeat of Politicians
My dad's line always was "Did he Sweat, Bollocks"
My dad worked in the heat of a steel works for 40 years
The District Iron and Steel, Brasshouse Lane Smethwick
Originally a Blacksmith from Kerry Ireland
So dad would curse, and really curse, as only a foundry man can
As together we watched the Politics, 55 years ago
So that's where that interest came from
And just to be clear dad was a very intelligent man
But back in 1920/30 Ireland you went to work at 14
You can look elsewhere to see the Education his Kids 
and Grandkids attained, so never look down on him
Or me for that matter
Intelligence is Speed of Thought
Not collecting pieces of paper as I said to Molly at the QE yesterday
Molly does not speak French, she's a medic
Anyway, at the end of the day
Just be nice to everybody, because small acts of kindness are rewarded
And nasty acts are burnt in acid in people's memory
Politics is a picnic of lies
We pick and choose, and suffer for our choice
But we can kick them out every 5 years or so
Also remember this if you call everybody Duck or Chuck
It does not matter what cock and bull reality people have
At least, they won’t complain how you addressed them
Even if it’s me in a ballroom gown split to my hairy thighs
Because I'm off up Broad Street tonight, 
for the not so secret Policeman's Ball
Why are Policemen's Balls so Big
They sell more Tickets

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...