Let There Be Peace on Earth Again (c)
By Michael Casey
Let there be Peace on Earth Again
Let there be no more mindless invasions
Let there be no more intimidation
Let there be no more people shot dead in the street
Let there be no more bodies identified just by their nail designs
Let there be no more shallow graves
Let there be no more LIES
Let there be no more Theatre of the absurd to Justify those LIES
Let there be no more Hospitals destroyed
Let there be no more schools burnt down
Let there be no more Death while you sleep in your bed
Let there be no more Underground hiding places needed
Let Subway just be a sandwich again, not just a place of safety
Let Churches be open and full of celebration
Let Funerals stop being a constant, constant, constant event
Let Marriages take place with Joy
Not with eyes to the sky looking out for Death
Let Food shopping be fun again not a quick dash under attack
Let a walk in the park with Sunshine on your back return again
Let stopping to talk and chat be normal again
Let News be something different every day
Not just Putin’s Insanity over and over and over again
Let there be time for making Love again
Idle lazy time, as your stoke her hair, and cuddle together
Again and Again and Again and On and On and On
Instead of stolen moments, as your Ears Listen in case of Attack
Let LOVE come back, Love, and Peace and Happiness
Let Hospitals have flowers all around again
Let Gossip and Laugher ring out again
Let Singing and Music fill the air again
Let skipping and bouncing for joy be in Children’s Hearts again
Let Old Folk meet and greet slowly, ever so slowly again
Let Church Bells Ring Out again
Let the Lights come Back again
Let. there be Peace Again
Let there, Let there, Let there
Let there be ALL things again
When Russia is BEAT
For ONLY then
When the Immaculate Heart of Mary
WINS over Savagery and Bigots and Insanity
Only then
Can there be Peace on Earth again

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