Thursday, 30 June 2022

Never Discarded, Never Unloved

Never Discarded, Never  Unloved  10th June 2021 ©


Michael Casey


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


You were loved before you were even born


You were supported even when you thought you were all alone


Don’t on your luck, or flat on your back


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


Battered and Bleeding, your thoughts swimming against the tide


Ashamed and rushing for somewhere to hide


Rage and Anger boiling inside


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


Broken and on the scrapheap, only seeing defeat


Clothes torn and soiled, worse than any child


Tears falling like a waterfall to nowhere


You cower and hide under the stairs


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


You spiral ever downwards, despair like a comfy chair


You sit in it, you bury yourself in it


You wish you could fall down the back of the sofa


To hide your despair, being sat upon like a chair


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


You are down in the pit, the darkness everywhere

You are battered and broken, wanting to hide


There is no hope, there is no light, and worse


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


And on the circle, the big dipper goes


You are a passenger on a circus ride, your heart lost inside


You are not in charge, you are glued to despair


On and on you ride, an empty husk


Like a baby abandoned in a wicker basket


About to go over the waterfall


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


Then the love, from Prayers and Family


And from the scruffiest of nurses brings you back


You are in the pit, the very darkest bottom of it


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


It’s a long hard journey back


To trust again, to love again


You comb your hair again


You smile again, you’re not so timid any more


The wolf has been tamed, you are no longer


Hiding in your little red hiding hood


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


The sun appears, it pushed back your fears

Timid smiles, and little laughs crack the darkness


Of your face, the sunshine appears on your lips


You even dance and sway your hips


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


Slowly confidence, replaces apprehension


You learn to live again, to smile again


The clouds in your heart are blown gently away


The storm of sadness has been quelled


The dark glasses have been replaced with sunshine


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


So, on it goes, sometimes backwards a step


But now your mind and heart and soul


Is on the future, you have climbed out of the pit


And now as you walk away from it


It is being forgotten and filled in


Life and Laughter demolish it


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


So, remember you were always loved


Even if you could not see it


From before you were born you were loved


First by  your mother, and even afterwards


When she was not there


Never Discarded, Never Unloved


You were always loved


Love is eternal, so from the first spark


Of Creation itself, there is the wealth of Love


And people still pray for you after you are gone


Love, laughter and memories carry on


All Creation carries on, one generation after another


We look forward to our Futures, never forgetting the past


We have climbed out of the bog, and through the fog


To form family and creation


For Love really does conquer all


We are all, no matter how bad or sad


Never Discarded, Never Unloved.

me in my prime maybe 17 years ago, my Crowne Plaza NEC look

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...