Every 12 Years
Every 12 Years
I remember 2nd Year Latin with Mr Proctor, we read something and he said THINK, and I went Horrible, then we all realised . Why did war stop then restart 12 years later.
The tribes of Greeks or Romans had to wait for the children to grow up, then there would be a fresh crop to fight and DIE.
Pyrrhic victory was covered too, go Google, it means you won, but at such great cost, that you really lost.
The Battle of Bunker Hill is frequently cited as a classic example of a Pyrrhic victory for the British. The British won that early skirmish with American revolutionaries, largely because the rebels eventually ran out of ammunition and were forced to retreat.
Pyrrhic Victory Definition – Investopedia
Today we have Putin’s insane attack on Ukraine. Russia is shouting all things, and threatening even more. There is no Victory. Russia will lose even if Putin thinks he wins
There will be a new world order. The Money cost to the West may be HUGH, but it is Ukrainian blood that runs red all over the map. So don’t complain about the rise in prices would you rather see your mum lay dead in the street, her brains splattered everywhere. Or your sisters tortured and more.
The Price of bread will go up, and millions of the Poor could die as the grain cannot leave Ukraine to feed them
All the time we get Putin’s lies, God judges by your actions, each and every one is weighed. So tell me on a Sunday or any other Holy Day, what in God’s Name is right about all the WAR, so special you call it an Operation.
Killing for Corruption’s sake, to place your puppet on a throne, is just abuse, and Putin is abusing himself the most. So he’d been stuck at home during lockdown and spent his cancer care time looking at all maps, and dreaming of being a Czar again. Did he never look from Space and see that we are all one family. The Human Race.
Maps change and peoples move. Look at my own family, from County Kerry to Birmingham, now I have half Shanghai daughters. People mix and mingle, and Maps change. But what about Russia since 1917 and since 1945 especially. What has Putin and his kind done for the Ordinary People. Has he built a nation to be proud of. Hospitals and Schools, and Housing to improve the Lives of the Russian people. Or has all of it been wasted, to create a Prison for Russians and every place their Army visits. Corruption so vast that even the tyres could not cope in the mud. And the space rocket was not made, because the money went into somebody’s pocket. Russians can I ask you a Question, are you still Serfs, or a Proud Nation?
Putin is killing you, just as 50,000 of your boys are dead, because of Putin’s naked ambition. The Ukraine is destroyed just to Please Putin’s blind ambition, And all for what? A few lines on a map, called stupidity and Puerile Putin ambition?
Russia can be Good again, but first you have to pay the Price, and that Price is Removing Putin, or are all of you bought and sold like cattle at a market? The Bill, Putin’s bill will be have to be paid too, $1,000,000,000,000 maybe, free gas for a lifetime. And atonement for your sins, as you try and fail to exterminate a nation. Ukraine is your cousin, your very brother so why is Putin killing his brother, just because he can?
The madness of war and tyranny. In the end the blood must stop staining the streets. Russia will be beat, the only question is, how many lives will be lost before it STOPS.
It’s up to Russians to stop Putin, open your eyes. Special Military Operation. What if it were happening in your town, your street, your square, instead of remotely over there. If it’s far away and if the army is just conscripts, do you care about your own flesh and blood. 50,000 Russians, dead already. You can go to church on Sunday, and pray, and close your eyes and hope it all goes away, Because you got your pretty church back, so your can turn your back on Ukrainians cos their lives don’t count. Cos Jesus is a Russian and carries a Kalashnikov . If you believe that then your soul is lost already. But right now at this very second you have a chance to change and get back your soul again. Mother Russia get back your soul again, and don’t turn into USSR 2.0 again.

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