Thursday, 23 June 2022

Nearly over now

Nearly over now

final revision sessions, then last A level tomorrow

Then I get the front room, our study back

after months of litter everywhere

So anybody local to us can have A level Geography and Sociology notes

Two heavy carrier bags full of them, just come for them

Or eventually the dustman will get them

we have very clever dustmen after all

So that's it really

Tinnitus is horrendous

And somebody tried to kill me yesterday

so be careful everybody

But as for me Alchemy of Souls is my latest Kdrama

And I'm hooked already, so thank you Korea, yet again

My small daughter says she is trilingual now

English/Shanghai Chinese and all the Korean I listen too

Not to mention the French and Spanish my daughters did

So I can speak to each of them in that too

We are a Multi-lingual family after all

My tinnitus is a language in itself

NOISE so bad it can almost kill you

And yes my pain attacks continue

But I've found good relief with a rub I stumbled on in Amazon

Putin continues his madness

Hitler was a Nazi then

But the way the Russians BEHAVE in Ukraine today then are WORSE than Hitler

When will the Russia people wake up and remove PUTIN

Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 warned of it

The only Future the ENTIRE world can have is without Putin

Sorry to Bore you all, but The Nazis practiced in the Spain Civil War 1936 to 1939

and then went  on to further Tyranny in WWII

WAKE up and pray the Rosary or any Muslim Holy Prayer

we've seen Syria trashed by Putin, now Ukraine is next

But where will it continue

It must end and end fast

So Muslims and Christians must unite in Prayer with Mary to the Almighty

To stop Putin, before all of Africa starves

It's that simple really

And yes I'm a sinner too, just like all of you

So do something useful with your Life

Stop Putin, avoid DESTRUCTION all over the world

Ukraine is suffering the most

But Putin will be coming for all of you, unless he is stopped dead on his tracks



I did have an idea for a nice story Mr Nothing, or De Rien in French

and I liked it a lot, I got the idea as  the burnt house nearby is being refurbished

But like I said many times before with Tinnitus so loud in my head I really

need that typist, an Alchemy of my Soul maybe

I do have a hearing test scheduled but if that can help I do not know

So that's your lot for today

and pray for my youngest to nail her last exam

Then the study will be tidy again, and maybe my typist will turn up

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...