Wednesday, 1 June 2022

1st June 2022

 well its June now my Tinnitus fizzing the pain killer kicking  in for my shoulder

went out to look  at the world from the street

parents pushing a profoundly handicapped child in a wheel chair

stopped to say hello and admire Totoro our cat

then two workmen came out from the house where the fire was a year ago

they are attacking the garden then they'll start work inside maybe

asked are they putting in a downstairs shower room

Told then Agent Orange would be good to clear the garden

Or maybe Putin as he is so good at DESTRUCTION

anyway we are alive and lucky to be in Birmingham

What has Russia done for the world these past 80 years

Boasting about the past but nothing done for the People

since 1945

Food on table and new hospitals and housing

where was that in Mother Russia

Instead Russia treated it's people as slaves

Militarism for What?

I will write my comedy story Killing Casey about the KGB and F|SB after me

later on so come back for that. They need a tour guide of Birmingham and some Poisoned Perfume

for that, and the Iron Man in the city centre was build by Casey's dad in the old people's home

they must have their facts right just in case Theresa May stops to ask them

ok enough for now

Thanks to all of you all over the world for reading my rubbish

you are a ray of sunshine for me

but together with our Rosaries we will send Putin back to hell

God accepts all and any prayers from everybody

Iran was reading me, so hello to them too

Fatima is for all mankind

Lets hope the killing stops soon

Before even more of God's Creation is destroyed from a lunatic called PUTIN

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...