Tuesday, 31 May 2022

31st may 2022

 well the sound of a tree shredder kept me awake

it  turns branches into chips

and will take your arm off too

my small daughter continues her chanting

its her revision  method

she has not become a monk or a cult person in Korea

i cleaned the moss from the roof that had fallen in the drain

if you live near woods you get moss

we are near a woods, go figure

bending down was ok but getting back up  is hard

had to slap on the pain killer over my back and shoulder

my head feels as if you hit me with a baseball bat

i know some of you would like to do that already

especially the Russians in Moscow to whom I send  emails

full of Holy Pictures and nagging

But I'll have the last laugh as the FSB KGB people in Killing Casey

will be as Camp as Camp can be, Google Duncan and Sandy on BBC Radio 50 plus years ago

in Around the Horne


listen here and lose your Comedy Virginity the British Way

i'll let you all listen while I eat

stay happy

KGB ever so butch, and FSB in a plastic mac like a FLASHER

Putin Putin where are you putting it   in,  so its true about you too

A Rosary away from end of Evil in UKraine

A Rosary away from end of Evil in Ukraine


Russia’s army could COLLAPSE amid huge losses of more than 30,000 troops – which Putin believes is a ‘price worth paying’ for victory in Ukraine, confidential UK report says 

Latest estimates from the Ukraine’s Armed Forces (pictured top-inset) suggest as many as 30,350 Russian soldiers have been killed since Vladimir Putin launched his invasion on February 24. In addition, several thousand Russian military vehicles have been destroyed in Putin’s so-called ‘special military operation’ that has dragged into its fourth month. According to The Mirror, a new report suggests Kremlin officials have tried and failed to persuade the Russian strongman that his invasion has been a disaster, and that he believes he can still achieve a partial victory in the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine. A victory in the region would give Russia leverage over Kyiv, the report says, while defeat would likely result in Putin being ousted. Meanwhile, Russian troops pushed farther into a key eastern Ukrainian city and fought street by street with Kyiv’s forces Monday in a battle the mayor said has left the city ‘completely ruined’ and driven tens of thousands from their homes. On Monday, military analysts painted the battle as part of a race against time for the Kremlin, which they said wants to complete its capture of the industrial Donbas region before more Western arms arrive to bolster Ukraine’s defences. Pictured left: Smoke rises in the city of Severodonetsk during heavy fighting between Ukrainian and Russian troops. Right: Flames rise from a home in Lysytsansk that was shelled by Russian forces.

 European Union agrees to ban ‘more than TWO THIRDS’ of Russian oil imports

The EU council president Michel said that bloc agrees a ban covering more than two-thirds of Russian oil imports, cutting a ‘huge source of financing for its war machine’, Mr Michel wrote on Twitter.

Henry Kissinger’s talk of appeasing Russia is the rambling of a foolish has-been: Top historian ADAM ZAMOYSKI gives his withering view of the veteran US statesman who wants to sue for peace with Putin

ADAM ZAMOYSKI: Why on earth did anyone think it was worthwhile having Henry Kissinger speak at the plutocrats’ jamboree, Davos, this month?

I never really talk about my Faith, or faith as I’d call it. But Evil is abroad stalking the land

the only way to beat it is for ALL Faiths and None to pray,

 for Putin to Go back the Hell where he came from

Monday, 30 May 2022

18.30 now on 30th may

18.30 now on 30th may

my small daughter has finished chanting for the day in the study

so now I can return from the back of the house the front

a scam phone call,  they got both barrels of cursing from me

then I went to the lavatory and nearly dropped my rosary down the toilet

I have a rosary in my pocket, doesn't everybody

Keep on Praying that Putin the Satan from Moscow

gets out of Ukraine

Then I had a two fried egg sandwich on wholemeal bread

Sandwich is named after Earl of Sandwich, was he gambling

Just bring me meat between bread

NOw i'm in front room finally

after slapping on my pain killer industrial strength on my left shoulder

so a can of ice cold Stella Artois is most appreciated

I  check the email and there's another scammer

so just for fun I say send me a reply with this pose

your finger up your nose

images of somebody dying in a sick bed are common


my dad is dead he was a Ukrainian rape seed farmer

and yes of course $3,567,777 is in BAKINO FASO

such rubbish

Scammers beware FSB and KGB will get you

or Perfume from Putin

So that's about it for today

Killing Kasey or is it Casey will be next to be written

but I really do need that speed typist

FSB and KGB are after me

Read The Joker it may be written in that style

it was Western special forces making me a Birthday Cake

in the shape of a horses head on my bed

But Mandy saved me

And a word to the Patriarch Jesus died on a cross for Peace, what are you doing

counting 30 pieces of gold for your silence, 40,000 Russians dead for what

Maybe 200,000 Ukraines dead and a Christian Country VIOLATED 

would you do this to the Virgin Mary, because every day YOU ARE

SPEAK UP, prove your FAITH, or are you just Putin's altar boy on the

Altar of HATE and Love of Money

5월 30일 18시 30분

내 작은 딸은 서재에서 그날의 노래를 끝냈습니다.

이제 나는 집 뒤에서 앞으로 돌아올 수 있습니다.

사기 전화, 그들은 나에게 두 통의 저주를 받았습니다.

그리고 화장실에 가서 묵주를 변기에 떨어뜨릴 뻔 했어

내 주머니에 묵주가 있어요, 다들 그렇지 않나요?

모스크바의 사탄이 푸틴이 되기를 계속 기도하십시오

우크라이나에서 나온다

그런 다음 나는 통밀 빵에 계란 후라이 샌드위치 두 개를 먹었습니다.

샌드위치는 샌드위치 백작의 이름을 따서 명명되었습니다.

빵 사이에 고기만 가져다 주세요

이제 나는 마침내 방 앞

내 왼쪽 어깨에 진통제 산업의 힘을 두들겨 후

그래서 얼음처럼 차가운 스텔라 아르투아 한 캔이 가장 높이 평가됩니다.

메일을 확인해보니 다른 사기꾼이 있습니다

그래서 그냥 재미로 이 포즈로 답장을 보내라고 합니다.

코 위로 손가락

아픈 침대에서 누군가가 죽어가는 이미지는 일반적입니다.


아버지는 돌아가셨고 그는 우크라이나의 유채 농부였습니다.

예, 물론 $3,567,777는 BAKINO FASO에 있습니다.

그런 쓰레기

사기꾼은 FSB와 KGB를 조심하십시오.

또는 푸틴의 향수

그럼 오늘은 여기까지입니다

Kasey를 죽이거나 Casey가 다음에 쓰여질 것입니까?

하지만 난 정말 그 스피드 타이피스트가 필요해

FSB와 KGB는 나를 쫓는다

조커를 읽고 그 스타일로 쓰여질 수 있습니다

나에게 생일 케이크를 만들어준 건 서부 특수부대였어

내 침대에 말 머리 모양으로

하지만 맨디가 날 구해줬어

18.30 сейчас 30 мая

моя маленькая дочь закончила петь весь день в кабинете

так что теперь я могу вернуться из задней части дома в переднюю

мошеннический телефонный звонок, они получили от меня оба ствола проклятий

потом я пошел в туалет и чуть не уронил свои четки в унитаз

У меня есть четки в кармане, не все

Продолжайте молиться, чтобы Путин сатана из Москвы

уезжает из Украины

Затем я съел бутерброд с двумя жареными яйцами на цельнозерновом хлебе.

Сэндвич назван в честь графа Сэндвича, который играл в азартные игры.

Просто принеси мне мясо между хлебом

ТЕПЕРЬ я наконец-то в гостиной

после того, как шлепнул мою промышленную силу болеутоляющего на левое плечо

так что банка ледяной Stella Artois больше всего ценится

Я проверяю электронную почту, и там еще один мошенник

так что просто для удовольствия я говорю пришлите мне ответ с этой позой

твой палец в носу

изображения кого-то умирающего в больничной койке распространены


мой папа умер, он был украинским фермером, выращивающим семена рапса

и да, конечно, 3 567 777 долларов в БАКИНО ФАСО

такой мусор

Мошенники, будьте осторожны, ФСБ и КГБ вас поймают

или Духи от Путина

Вот и все на сегодня

Следующим будет написано «Убить Кейси или это Кейси».

но мне действительно нужна эта скоростная машинистка

ФСБ и КГБ преследуют меня

Прочтите Джокера, возможно, он написан в таком стиле.

это западный спецназ делал мне торт ко дню рождения

в форме лошадиной головы на моей кровати

Но Мэнди спасла меня.

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Well all three Peoples should be firm friends, but PUTINs Evil ended that

but Dictators do breathe their last, Amen

somebody was reading Why is America Afraid of Charles Darwin

 checking my figures

Why is America Afraid of Charles Darwin popped up again

Originally written over a decade ago

You should all read it for your basis education

Little wonder Americans are killing each other with guns

If they cannot even accept common sense

A gun kills, thats why guns and ammunition are stored separately in safes

If they are as convenient as toilet paper in a stall or bathroom

what is the result, Peoples lives in the street or in a school

are flushed away, discarded like used toilet paper

Are your kids lives less important that used toilet paper

Just Flushed away by the NRA

Or do you still think Darwin is a  nut 

and looks like a monkey in cartoons of the time

MemoriesandMiscellany: Charles Darwin and “The Monkey's Uncle”

For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...