Saturday, 16 November 2019

in the morning something new so come back after you've slept

in the morning something new so come back after you've slept

I'm on the mend but still sore

I've grown a breard in the week as it hurts too much to stand for 15 mins to shave

so hopefully in the morning I'll shave and not look like Father  Christmas any more

I'm rediscovering 10cc tonight

I'm still amazed that somebody as corupt as Trump still carrys on in power

The GOP will be condemned by History

That's if Trump doesn't press the nuclear button

Korea is on his hit list, and Nato too

Meanwhile nobody stands up to the bully

My theory is that he was hypnotised hypnotised by Putin in their private meeting

and Putin rings every now and then and tells him what to do

We need to blood test Trump and see what's inside him

apart from bile

50 years ago when RFK was shot I told my mum and she feel to her knees

in the kitchen and reached for her Rosary

Such love, for a Politican

What do we have now, just a bully

Sorry for boring you all, when you'd rather have stories, but there are 2000 + stories here

so skip my sadness over one man ruining a country, and find the story storys on this site

In my books you don't get these "chats" as such, so just scroll down or


tomorrow is another day and I'll have something new for you again after

this week of pain

the most time I take in is deciding what  to write about

the actual writing is like pouring from a jug  of water that never empties

if you have seen The Bishop's Wife  then you'll remember the wine bottle

my writing is just like that, it never empties

it stops when my body is tired

but otherwise it goes on forever

Its a gift, after 50 years of Ears and Writing, and you my readers curse by it.

Today over on Wordpress 8 countiries passed by, and 7 languages were read on the SAME DAY

So The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is an "international" hit

All I need is a Producer/Publisher to get on board

With that I'll go to bed

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...