Thursday, 14 November 2019

still resting

still resting

I may write something new tomorrow, I haven't been out the house for 5 days

I could not manage the hill

hopefully my back will be better soon

saying the rosary and/or holding a rosary does help overcome the Tinnitus though

as I told somebody today, who may or may not be in Croatia

My readers are everywhere, even Unknown Region

So have a browse on this site, there are 2000 stories and 500 or more chats like these

plenty to read

hello to Korea too, thanks for reading my stuff again

my last Kdrama was Bring it On Ghost

and now somebody we know has seen 2 ghosts

 and somebody else one ghost, the same one as the first person

I won't reveal more and

no I'm not pranking you

You bless your house or say be at peace and hopefully they go away

Never do any other dangerous stuff

I do sometimes feel somebody is sitting on the end of my  bed in this house

I discovered from previous owners, from 40 years ago, that an old lady

died in the room where I sleep

I just tell the "ghost" they are welcome so long as they are at Peace

but they could sit on the chair at the bottom of my  bed instead

strange but true

my kids said they both saw a ghost in our old house 10 years ago

but  did not tell me then

the mouse just started to move on its own then

but that was because it was on my knee

its nearly Midnight now so time for bed

don't forget to look under the bed, or leave the light on

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...