Tuesday, 19 November 2019

I'm Better than You

I’m Better than You ©
Michael Casey

As you know Gulliver’s Travels is about a giant and about a small guy, it also mentions a war, a war over what? The war was over which end of an egg to open, do you open the small end or the big end. If you don’t believe me just go ask Prof. Jack Black at Princeton, or is it Cornwall England. It’s all so very confusing, he was a woman playing a man who was was really still a woman inside, last time I looked. It was in Jumanjii the new film version, which is very good by the way.

So we all have opinions about ourselves, I’m better than you, because I’m taller, or I’m fatter, or thinner, or just have really great skin like Michael Casey, oh that’s me. My hair is so fine and soft as well, so I’m so much better than you, yes you wherever you are in the world reading my stuff. And on it goes. So friendship ends and wars begin. Over the colour of our skin, or the colour of our hair, with or without dandruff. If you part your hair to the left you are bad, if you part to the right you are good. But if you wear the colour yellow on a Wednesday then you really are an evil monster, and should have your head shaved.

How you explain Kojak or Jeff Bezo or Yul Brynner I really do not know, what kind of people are they. Then old dads lose their hair so are they in the same group as Kojak and Bezo and Brynner? Is it a club? Like the Sharks and the Jets, and do they all sing on roof tops, the dazzling head tops, and would that man in a vest be their Patron Saint, you know the Die Hard man, I’ve forgotten his name at the moment. No doubt he’ll send me a photo of his butt, which looks like a head, 2 heads are better than one after all. I remember now, the Australian guy, Bruce, Bruce Willis, but wasn’t Willis a woman and didn’t some King marry her. So Elvis married a bald woman in a vest, simple isn’t it?

So obviously people have different stations in life, and one station looks down on another. So New St. Station in Birmingham the one in England, looks down on Moor St. Station as it’s further down the line. The wrong side of the tracks maybe, so there you have it again, I’m better than you, and don’t pooh in the station. As the pooh just falls on the tracks, well in England anyway, little wonder people think their station is better than your station, and even hold their nose at the very mention of you. Which is just your basic prejudice, pooh on the tracks is new good.

My dad’s bigger than your dad, that’s because he sweats in a factory for 16 hours a day. My dad has a car and a nice office, your dad poohs in an outside toilet and that’s at home. So I’m better than you, where did you do to University, oh I remember you went to Aston Poly, my sweaty dad who poohs outside was proud I went to Oxford, and little brother to Cambridge. So which side of the tracks you pooh on does not matter only hard work counts, so stick that up your Aston flyover, or where the HP sauce comes from.

People and prejudice continues, and Political Parties try to coral you into their sheep pen, betting that you’ll vote for them because of your Tribal loyalties. You should think for yourself. My mum told me when I was 4 or was it 5, that I was as good as Anybody. So I think you should all believe in yourself , just as we Caseys do. The only barrier is yourself, your X Y Z, does not matter, it did not matter 50 years ago in inner city Birmingham as they now call it when my brother broke through all these Glass Ceilings, or latter on when another brother did the same. And yes the 2nd brother working at a coal mine in Newbold Vernon for a year before he went off to Cambridge, he invented the Gap Year before it was invented. The Old guys cheered when he said he was going to Cambridge, as he revealed his grades, the new guys were not so charitable. Me I’d always cheer anybody on, so should you, all of you everywhere wherever you are in maybe 70 countries now as you read this. If you cannot excel then do your best, and be as good as you can be. Don’t have any spite in your heart. Say Good Luck and God Bless to anybody and everybody.

A Good man, is not the greatest man, the strongest man, the quickest man, or the dumbest man, the smelliest man even. A Good man is somebody with hope in his heart who cheers for anybody and everybody, who says  God Bless and Good Luck. Or maybe I’m just an old fashioned boy, the son of Kerry immigrants, who came to England in 1944 with just the clothes on their backs. Envy and hate destroys from within, so any Political Party that preaches that is not worth voting for, so hold your nose and pick somebody who’ll do the least harm, do no hard as one motto says. Wherever you are in the world, try and change one person at a time by your example, and change your country by voting.

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...