Monday, 18 November 2019

Almost there

Almost there

I had a hot bath and my body seems ok

no laughing please, somebody might find me attractive

what I meant was my back seems almost there

so I may pop out tomorrow for some nice stuff at the grocery shop

they have probably been rejoicing not hearing my jokes

 every day this past week or what i think are jokes

saw Klaus the cartoon on tv, loved it

Been watching Taken tv series, i like that too

Will watch Liam Nielsen's other film from a few months ago soon too

My Tinnitus keeps me awake at night, but other night's with Rosary

it does not

So it's a Sine Curve of lack of sleep  or not, still with waking every 2 hours

Aren't you glad you don't sleep with me?

No sniggering please

My readers are more and more far flung

Hello Australia and Singapore with Indonesia too, 10 countries on Blogger

I'm pleased you are reading me in English

Plus 7  Translations  being read on the same day over on Wordpress,

6 countries I'm world famous, but not in England

Irony, somebody explain that to the Americans

Do spread the word and put it on your Facebook and LinkedIN

More of the world should suffer,  and maybe just maybe I'll finally get

some recognition and reward

But I'm not holding my breath

The Lottery is £100 million tomorrow on Euromillions

Perhaps I should by one ticket, or a bar of Cadburys instead

I haven't won the lottery in ages

I'd rather have my Health back than any amount of money

Ok. Be Good and Stay Happy

as ET said as he hid in my garden shed,

before Totoro my cat chased him away

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...