Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Come back later I'll have something new for you all THIS IS THE MAIN SITE

Come back later I'll have something new for you all,


so tell everybody to look here for the hot off the press new stories

I have 3 sites as a security measure so I don'l lose my treasure,

ok my rubbish, you are so cruel, I do have feelings, don't laugh

today Korea and New Caladonia are reading over on Wordpress

in Korean and French

On the 3 Blogger sites I have Vietnam and Sweden

and the Russian translation of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

amongst others

Its great for my ego to know I'm not just talking to myself

Though Radio is just that, talking to yourself

My writing is really Radio by the way if you have not noticed

I want you to HEAR me

I used to have a SW radio 40 years ago too

So now I use the Internet to TALK whereas 40 years ago I was listening

So in a way its fate that I end up talking to the world

I didn't really think of being a writer till 1987 after all

So I bet you all wish you could turn back time

You are so cruel, if you put that Cher  song on I'll just cry

I'll cry me a river, and you will be swept away

So the cold has descended here in Birmingham

I've got 3 jumpers on and a duck down coat

I have to stay warm

A  good few of you are reading The 19th Hole, what I've written so far

It will be the Spring or Easter 2020 now before I launch it

It will double in size by then

How my words have reached New Caladonia I just do not know

Either I'm popular, ok not me, the stories, or it's a hit man on the run

Or it's Jean Luc Picard getting as far away from me as possible

Can somebody give Netflix and Jeff Bezo of Amazon a nudge

2000 stories plus  The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

as well as a few plays,  1,530,000 Words

I have two daughters, so come on, buy my wares

makes me sound like a lady of the night

then I can leave them something when I go

but I'm not holding my breath

Did Dickens have this problem?

Or William Shakespeare?

I have loads of exposure but nothing to show for it in my garter belt

I'm like an ugly Pole Dancer, loads of exposure, but no rewards

Stormy tell me what to do

Much ado about Nothing, as Will used to say

Perhaps I should just go paint a few fences with Mark Twain

Or sing Country like his sister Shania

Oh Dolly what can you do for me?

Thank God I'm a Country Boy

not Denver, County Kerry stock

ok, I have to venture out now in the cold now

so come back in  a  few hours

Michael Casey aka "the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham ENGLAND"

and you can google that



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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...