Saturday, 30 March 2019

Thank you Germany

Thank you  Germany

well it has been Germany's turn to lead the way for the Readers today.

So a big thank you to them.

We were in Frankfurt maybe 10 years ago, at hotel achat in Offenbach and we took a trip to the Terra Coat Army museum in Weilburg . The food was great and the people so nice too.

My last holiday was in 2013 and Malta, before Arthritis and Bypass pain became a shadow. I'm afraid if I took a plane and my pain kicked off, then I'd be kicked off the plane. So its easier not to bother. My small daughter nags me to catch a train and go somewhere. I just travel in my mind and write  all these stories, over 2000 pieces of writing now.

Maybe in the Future I'll return to great counties and people, Germany and Malta.

My aunt in Killarney Kerry had some great German friends, something to do with the Crane Factory. If I remember rightly they had a child that died and was buried in Ireland, I believe she looked after the grave. This all happen in the1980s I think. The point being the Germans are very warm hearted people, just like my aunt was.

So thank you Germany for passing by and reading my stuff. I doubt if I'll ever make any actual money from my writing. But writing is good for my spirits. Its nice to shade in the map of the world as new people and places discover my writing. Sadly no Media people, yet...

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...