Monday, 11 March 2019

Afternoon All 11th March 2019

Afternoon All 11th March 2019

well my left shoulder is clicking away when I move it so I've slapped on Movelat my painkiller gel, I am pleased that Russia has come out to play and are reading my stuff, mainly on  the Cartoons  made from Words website.

If they or you go to my wordpress there are some translations where you can download entire books. 

Yes I DO want you all to pay the worker his wage, after 30years of writing I do deserve that.

So the English  is on Amazon for the price of a drink you get a book.

you can all mention my writing on FB or whatever your local equivalent is. Or mention my stories at church or synagogue or temple or mosque, or just down the pub.

I had a new "fan" from Nigeria last night, so hello to him if he is reading this.  There doesn't seem to be enough crossover from Wordpress to Blogger, there is no Berlin Wall for my writing, so leap the wall of imagination and laughter.

I don't think they'll be anything new today, but always come back before bedtime, my bedtime that is. You can tuck me in and give me a bedtime kiss and tell me a story as I try and get to sleep over the Tinnitus. Is that a deal, but don't all come at once, my bedroom isn't big enough.

My brother learnt Russian many years ago and when in Russia they made him a Birthday cake and sung Happy Birthday while he was on a language course.

All I get is Fatty move out the Way, I have to vacuum clean now. 

on the Butcher Baker Undertaker main site there are 2000+ pieces to read.

If you write Apps do get in touch, we can use them to Teach English via Comedy.

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...