Sunday, 24 March 2019

Letter to the editor worldwide


Forgive my typos, they are normal, but what is not normal is this Presidency. He gets away with anything. 
And why is that? Is it the love of money being the root of all evil?  Or have the American people sold their 
soul so long as the Stock Market is ok? Over here in Europe we see a cheapened USA, one where a Bully 
is in charge. Trump led the chorus over Obama's birth certificate and Hillary's Server. 
BUT silence over Trump's Bone Spurs, where is his Xray.
His son in law whatsapps galore but it's unfair to compare him to Hillary.
A dead man is cursed, McCain is a bogey man, but where was Trump in Vietnam War?
Remember the Howard Stern recording.
The Religious Right believe Trump, though he believes in no God but Himself.
Everything is Bastardised yet because people love Power more than Right Donald
gets away with murder.
He rabble rouses like the best of them in History, and why people believe in him is a Mystery
When will it all end?
Reason had been stood on its head, only zealots vote. 
So you get the government you deserve because you just did  not bother to vote.
It's all so very sad.
I grew up in the 1960s, the Kennedys, going to the moon and Ali and great music
Now all we have are manufactured bands and imitation tv, all is fantasy.
You have a fantasy President who lies all the time, who cheats at everything, and 
pompously denies all. Meanwhile the entire world hopes the Berlin Wall will fall, just 
as he builds his border wall. This hot air President who knows nothing at all, just fumes,
maybe the stink will be  too much and a window will open. And Fresh Air will enter the Oval Office
through his ridiculous golden curtains. What he needs is a Golden Moral Compass, instead of stamping
White House logo on all the tat he sells in his hotels.
But America has been day dreaming instead of dreaming, 
In the 1960s there was Hope and Vigour, we have to turn back to somebody who can deliver.
So USA Stand and Deliver yourself from all that is Evil, look anew at the world with hope, and
don't be fooled by rope a dope Trump.
And with that perhaps we should all Sing, Land of Hope and Glory, for that was what USA used to be,
so set yourselves FREE.

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...