Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Later on a Totoro story so come back by Midnight Uk time

Later on a Totoro story so come back by  Midnight UK time

Well we were given some Lindt bunnies which are very nice, but best of  all you get a red ribbon with a golden bell around bunny's  neck, which looks all very Chinese to me.

So as Totoro our cat had lost her bells I decided to use the Lindt ones. So Totoro now has 3 golden bells attached by red ribbon to her black collar. I'll get a photo done and add it to the new story when I get around to it.

It's Totoro's 4th Birthday soon, my daughters wanted a pet so I said they could have a dog if I died or a cat if I had a heart attack. A few weeks later I had an unplanned quadruple heart bypass.

Once out of hospital I kept my promise. Hence the cat. Today is pancake day. 4 years ago my recovery was going very good and fast but on pancake day I had a hospital admission, for pain, the first of several. My sister drove me home but the pigs had locked me out of the old house.  So I had to phone and bang the door a lot to be let back in. And they had eaten all the pan cakes, that's what it is like living with 3 girls and a female cat.

come back later and see if I have "The New Cat in Totoro"    ready
cheerio for now, I'm of an age where I say cheerio, language reveals all.


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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...