Friday, 1 March 2019

I don't know who I'll be going to bed with tonight

I don't know who I'll be going to bed with tonight

sounds saucy.

I was awake a lot of last night due to static in my  ears, or Tinnitus

So no matter who I shared my bed with, MUSICALLY, I  still could not sleep

So I got up and pottered around in the morning before going back to bed as I was so tired

Luckily I don't drive nor have a day job, sitting here annoying you all with my Writing is what I do.

I may write something new later on, so check back at Midnight UK time.

I do have an Afterglow as I've touched base with 3 of my family, and that is always good,

 and I know my dead parents would be so pleased.

I think I'll be sleeping with the Shaking Needles tonight, which is the sound of porcupines or

hedgehogs make when they shake rattle and roll,so maybe I'll call my Tinnitus - Shaking Needles

Or it may just be Mily Cyrus or Taylor Swift who are  in bed with me MUSICALLY as I try and get

to sleep. I still wake up every 2 hours. Don't you wish you were me?

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...