Friday, 22 March 2019

I'm getting the Nobel Prize not Trump

Well I haven't bribed my golfing partner to ask for the Nobel Prize.
But as Sweden is reading my stuff
Could it  possibly be that I get the Nobel Prize, for Literature?
I mean totally obscure writers that nobody has heard of win the Prize
With totally surreal explanations of why they got it.
So what shall I say in my 1 hour speech which is compulsory?
I could just chant Thank You for a hour, that's obscure enough.
I had an email which was a reply from 12  YEARS ago today from an Indian Horoscope Guy
he never mentioned the Nobel Prize.
But the 1,000,000 would last me till I die, average life expectancy post quadruple is 11 years and I've had 4. So 7 years to spend 1,000,000 that would be a comfortable life and my daughters could have the change when I go. Though I'll probably not see them marry or have kids,or even get their PhDs.
Well it's 3.10am now I've had a bowl of Heinz tomato soup, and some bread, the soup I got delivered as it's heavy.  The PAIN  monster payed me a visit so I just had to get up. Luckily I have a new stash of Movelat pain killer as well as boxes of 100 paracetamol, so I'm all stocked up and ready. I don't take anything stronger as I want to preserve my brain. But you do get Man Boobs after all the paracetamol, I not just a fat lump, thank you very much.

Ok, I'm going back to bed now to sleep for 2 hours, then I'll awaken like a Vampire, because that's how my body works. Was it Carry On at Your Convenience? or have I got the name wrong?

Ok, bed and say some prayers, the World needs them.  The cat may try and come back in too, she's a bit of a whore( Irish pronunciation WHO  ERRR) cat, all the hours, she keeps.

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...