Sunday, 17 March 2019

Fox News

Fox News

I was  having a lazy read of the newspapers and I spotted Trump denouncing Fox News, which for him is like denouncing the titty of his wet nurse.
Trump  condemned 3 Fox anchors.
I am no longer able to view Fox News but Shepherd Smith in my opinion is really good.
In fact I’d like him to appear in one chapter of Tears for a Butcher, he’s on holiday when the Original  Dday plans are discovered. As he is a passing Yank he is roped in, only afterwards is all revealed. But in my story rather than gain a Pulitzer he helps hide the fact where the plans come from. In order to protect  the “illegal” stock of whisky at the local bar. I  hope he forgives me for the idea. The bar owner gives the plans to the local army base for free, with Shepherd in tow. The Getty Museum would give a Billion Dollars for them, but they are handed over directly to the Army base. It was not operation Overlord , but rather Operation Old Forge and Singing Anvil where Ike and his driver used to have a crafty drink. And the rest of the story I have yet to put down on paper. I hope Shep would like the idea though.
So Donald leave Shep alone, or I’ll get Jon Sopal from the  BBC to say “really” like a bird saying “forevermore” , ask your Shakespeare friends to explain.

Smith has often garnered attention for his willingness to call out the president and his administration.
It’s unclear what sparked the president’s anger at Neville and Vittert.
Fox News has not responded to’s request for comment. 
The president doesn’t hide his preference for Fox and often derides CNN as ‘fake news’ – particularly when the cable news network reports stories about him or his administration he doesn’t like. 
Smith, meanwhile, was honored on Wednesday night with the Leonard Zeidenberg First Amendment Award at the Radio Television Digital News Foundation’s 29th annual First Amendment Awards dinner. 
In his remarks, Smith reminded his audience of what he described as journalism’s “intrinsic duty and responsibility to others, to the people who trust us,” according to Fox News
“We must never manipulate or invent,” he said. “We must never knowingly deceive because to do so is a disservice to our audience and potentially injurious to our society.”

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...