Monday, 4 March 2019

A Can of Peas of a Story

A Can of Peas of a Story ©
Michael Casey

I was thinking of having a short walk to the woods, and I had been doing my daily readers check, and up popped Egypt. So there you have ingredients for a story, Egypt and woods. If you like Science Fiction, you are ahead of me already. If you see a man passing by with a ladder you automatically ask where is the snake, it’s a child’s board game if you are not familiar with it. So then you have 2 more ingredients to the story, and if you need a cushion, as I do right now, then even that becomes part of the story.

Well the cushion is better, maybe I should just turn the other cheek. Now I want you all to write your own story with :-Egypt,woods,snake,ladder, cushion and turning the other cheek
See how good you are, instead of munching a Lion bar and catcalling at the quality of today’s story. Add howling too, it can be fireworks or artillery shells landing everywhere, this represents my Tinnitus which only arrived a few months ago. Let’s see what you can do, DIY story.

Now let’s assume it’s one hour later what have you come up with, what have you concocted? Has it been easy? Did you nail it? Did you go off topic like a Trump speech? Did you blame somebody else for not getting that Nobel Prize. This is the Trump Tragedy, he is so off topic, off message, the attention span of a fish. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic. Or am I just off topic.

Did you give yourself 10 out of 10, or an 8, or a 5, or didn’t you bother, which is a 0. I used to read each story to my kids as soon as it was finished, no they are grown I miss the feedback, but they are probably glad that dad has stopped reading out stories in his News Reader’s Voice. Yes that’s what my girls used to say. Moi, a newsreader, if you go to you can hear for yourself, 200 or so stories.

Now I may come back and take the challenge myself, but then again, no teacher actually does the homework, they just set it. And yes I even did a year of ESOL teaching, my CV is a much splattered thing, like a handkerchief after a cold. I had my life in reverse. So if we look at the ingredients:- Egypt, Wood, Snake, Ladder, Cushion. Where would you start? Well theme park, with a ride in and out of a pyramid, you climb a ladder and slide out a snake, while sat on a big cushion. The ride is in a wood, a maze made of a wood, and in the centre is the ride. Easy. Did you all think of that immediately? I did and I am the lowest common denominator, in English if I can do it, the anybody can. So keep on practising and then you’ll bore as many people as I do in as many countries.

I just had to have a chocolate rush, Cadbury’s is so rich and creamy and comes from Birmingham too. I was up early so I may need to eat before finishing this talk. Before I eat, did you know there were ovens to bake bread besides the pyramids, 1000s of workers had to be fed too. Well I just fed myself so excuse me while I chew the last mouthful, and pick my teeth. And no my teeth do not come out at night and sit in a bowl of Domestos by my bed, my smile is real. Though a lovely memory of my dad is sitting on a bench as he held his false teeth in his hand and sucked the last piece of a sandwich off.

I hope you have noticed the style of writing and like it, well it won’t change so you are stuck with it. Why has it gone dark, who switched the computer off. So I’m talking to myself again. So if I’m talking to myself is that classed as Praying? This is for any Philosophy students who may have switched the computer back on. Why do I write? Because it makes me happy and it’s the best thing I do, and the only thing I can do considering my Health. Sam Smith is singing in the background so I’ll have to give him a cup of tea, then he won’t sound so plaintiff. Actually I think he’s FAB. So with that I’m going to finish for today, remember Words are Rubic Cubes, so twist and turn them and you’ll always get a different combination, as I do every washday.

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...