Thursday, 31 January 2019

waiting for the snow to start

waiting for the snow to start

spotted Egypt reading 300 and Not OUT in Arabic on my wordpress, so I hope the translation works

I write/read/speak in English, translations are thanks to Google

But you can all buy my stuff, 17 books  now on Amazon

I sometimes  get random emails, not just the junk ones.

so as the mood takes me I reply randomly and send silly photos or even a story

Generally they never reply

I got  a reply today, so he must have a weird sense of humour too?

Increase your Google factor are also a variety of junk emails I get

What I need is a slot on the radio or in the Press

But days without pain are of much more use.

Why does Belgium read me too?

Is it the EU  people or just bored UK Journalists?

I'll never know but having said that, it could be an idea for a story

I hope you all read Chapter9 of my novel which I reposted a day ago
 IT IS VERY FUNNY, not boring Politics

So it's nearly dinner time, you  all go and have a
 Stella Artois or two as you are Journalists in Belgium
I've not had alcohol in months, feel free to send me Stella Artois you know where I am, you
are journalists after all. By the way whenI get around to writing a Lego section of Tears for a Butcher my follow on novel, in it The journalists buy a pub on the company credit card, just so they can be close to the biggest  story of the year, opposite the hospital and next to Saint Patricks. The pub is The Windmill, its real name, and yes Windmills of Your Mind IS my favourite song.

Ok, come back later I may have something for you, or just go to bed with Stella Artois your Belgium mistress, or is it just just something you drink which leaves froth on your lips?

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far