Wednesday, 16 January 2019

In the morning

In the morning I have to go walkabout provided it is not too cold and the pain monster stays away. I had to nap for 2 hours today after the pain curtain came down and all I could do was rest or try to once the paracetamol kicked in. Yes that's my life. RANDOM.

anyway I don't know what direction I'll go in the morning. maybe I should find some speech to text writing software then I could produce more. Though you may all be saying Please God NO, enough of Casey already.

I have decided that 3,000,000 words is a good target, I've reached 1,420,000  so far. So maybe 10 more years to hit my new target. Though if I could recite and watch the screen fill up then  I could do it faster than that. Kpop girl band where are you, I need speed typists. 50% of bypass people reach 10years, I've had 4 years this week, so far. That's the reality and some nights when various pains come down you really get to know yourself. Though to be honest I've always had an interior life and known myself for decades, have you noticed?

I'd love to know what will finally bring Trump down, as it defies logic. I think he'd look great in an orange jump suit to match his suntan. I want to live in a non Trump age, when USA returns to being a beacon of Hope and not Trumpian Spite.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far