Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Travel in Space

Travel in Space ©
Michael Casey

As I was saying earlier, I thought of this piece as I lay in bed last night, you see my new lampshade looks like a Space Ship from Outer Space. So when I lay in bed on my right side, as is my habit the lampshade is just over my left shoulder, so when I blink it feels like a space ship from Close Encounters is descending. Why a spaceship would cross interstellar space to come to my bedroom I have no idea. I doubt if the aliens are coming to breed with me, or to extract my DNA, but that’s the picture in my mind as I lay in my bed, a spaceship landing.

Jean Michel Jarre’s Souvenir of China is playing as I speak and I do indeed remember a large bed in Shanghai, but that’s not the thought. The thought is indeed the thing, thought itself. How would Aliens travel so far in space to reach Birmingham or anywhere else. I think Aliens travel via Thought, they feed on Energy in Space, and they follow the energy with their thought power. They may be in a sensory deprivation tank, or 17 pints or alien Stella Artois to get themselves into the mood.

Then they cast their thoughts into space, inner space and outer space, then their brainwaves travel through vast regions of cold cold dark space. Windsurfing on the solar wind, thought is carried far and wide. At what speed thought goes it is hard to explain, a musing is obviously slower than an original idea, than a moment of inspiration. Then an ecstasy moment transports the mind even further and faster through space. And on thought goes, further and further and further away from Alien home word.

And when the alien thought has arrived at its destination what happens then? Does the physical body of the alien transport itself down that line of thought? Like electricity or like a message in one of those vacuum containers. Or does the thought itself form into a material object. So do the aliens have 3 heads or breasts, or no head at all? Do they chose to frighten us, or do they turn into our old grannie, so as not to frighten us.

Why do the aliens visit us anyway, are we their tv, their little hobby or their little secret, is visiting the Earth their porn, their compulsive secret, aliens visit because they cannot stop themselves. Or maybe they are lonely?

What would they bring back, probably just thought processes, like ECG, this would be the equivalent of postcards. Smiles and laughter and general warm glows are transferred through space and time to there home world. Are we their central heating, central heating of the spirit. Through space and time is Love found on this earth transferred to their cold dark world?

So a child’s laughter, or the sound of lovemaking, whichever order it comes in, is it why aliens travel so far with their thoughts to harvest it? Does the milk of human kindness, just like human breast milk, does this nourish aliens. Aliens visit to see what earth has, because they no longer have it. Do home thoughts from abroad, or human thoughts from the other side of the Universe nourish aliens? Has their sun died and the only heat to be had is via Telepathy, watching and stealing good vibrations from earth to succor their alien planet far far away.

So as you party this Christmas season, look up to that star in the East, then look past it to all the other stars in the Heavens. One star fed us all, so we in turn should feed all the other stars with our happiness and joy, spread a little happiness one star at a time. Join the stars up, the Plough being the first you may spot, but by ploughing the field of stars can be harvested to become a field of dreams. And its those dreams that feed aliens all over the universe, we humans may be in the gutter, destroying our own planet, but if we look to the stars we will share hope, and maybe the stars may return it back to us. 

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