Sunday, 16 December 2018

New Views 1st story from my new book

New Views©
Michael Casey

Well we got our first Christmas card from the neighbours, so hello to Jas and family if he stumbles over this. I’ve also decided to try another font now that this book, my 18th, is underway. It will be the first book written entirely at the new house, the Past is over let the Future begin.As I trailed on my site I was enjoying the stars at night from my bedroom window, apart from when cats or foxes activated the alarm sensors on my neighbours’ homes. From a lying down position the view reminded me of the Colosseum, a row of arches, formed by the lights in people’s windows, dimly lit through closed curtains. I have been to the real Colosseum, so that’s where the comparison came from.

When you have a new location, or place of work the view does change, the bus route changes too. I spent 21years at one place and my route was fixed for a long time, only slightly changing when I bought my house, now known as the old house. Once I moved I had 10mins extra journey time as I had to come down the hill past my old old house, and then on to work. So the view changed, and I abandoned pyjamas and started sleeping in the nude, 32 years the nudist. Not a nice thought for you all, imagine a hairy Shrek and that’ll be about it, try not to puke all over the screen.

You view and views change once you have your own place, you can play music as loud as you like. You also suffer from your own neighbours, such as a very large lady married to a guy as big as me, the lady used to demand her conjugal rights. I want sausage she’d say, and he’d say leave me alone I have work in the morning. They also used to bring their dogs to bed with them, then at 5am vacuum-clean their bedroom. They are probably dead now, it was a long time ago, so I’ll let sleeping dogs lie.

Back to the new place, I still walk past it occasionally because I’ve not got used to where I live. I have to have the Street View implanted in my brain, before I’ll have automatic feet. It feels too posh, though the mortgage soon brings you back to reality, should I or should I not try the lottery. Though the runners up prizes are now a total crock of *&^% as everybody tells the Lottery but they never listen.

As you walk around your new neighbourhood you see nice people and insular people. I’m naturally talkative when I’m out and about, but some people hide in their own world while others are great. It turns out there is an”artists’ colony” where I now live, I am of course the Poundland variety. Though if they knew the size of my output they could be impressed, or say Donald Trump hands, whatever that means.

Getting back to the garden, it’s strange not having as many trees in the back gardens, it looks a little barren, however the woods are only just up the road if I do need to hug a tree. Totoro our cat hid and shivered for a day when she first arrived in cat basket. Cats are supposed to be kept indoors for a week to get used to their new home. After two days  Totoro decided this was her garden and then she was away. Sometimes going out the front door, sometimes going our the back.

After a week she knew her way around and this was her area, though she did come back scratched one day. Now if I jangle my keys and say Tototo Le Le, she comes running and you can hear the fences clatter as she comes running. Totoro has also got fatter, either by being adopted by neighbours, or by killing any mouse or rat in a 1k radius, as I’ve said before she is a one cat killing machine. If General Mathis had a cat it would be Totoro, when he’s not reading all my books.

There are other views, such as the view out my study window, which is far far quieter, but I hope as I expand my own walkabout area I will find new material to write about. Or rather something to spark me, all it takes is one word and then I can write 1000 words, it would be easier if I were a photographer.One of my readers is in fact a model, so hello to her if she is reading this.

Now the view is the Press Preview on Sky and BBC, and then the view will be my bed, so I’ll finish for tonight. Try and put the image of a naked hairy Shrek out of your mind, or you will have Nightmares!

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