Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Return of the Pain Monster

Return of the Pain Monster

Well I hope you all hade a fun Christmas. I've had a deaf ear for a couple of days, so taking antibiotics to take away the infection. Means I cannot hear the wife in my right ear, so there are advantages.

This morning had a post Christmas bath, and had breakfast, even ordered cat food for the cat.

Then suddenly from out of nowhere my left shoulder is giving massive pain, my chest hurts too, and it feels as if I've been hit with an iron bar accross the left side of my face.

So welcome to my world of pain, no kinkyness involved, no half dressed girls  spanking me or anything like that, no rolled up copies of Fortune magazine with my face on either.

Just me limping, I'm limping too around the house, to and from the kitchen.

So welcome to my ramdom arthritis and everything else.

I had been thinking the levels and frequency of pain had not been so bad lately.

But now, just as the flu finally seems to have left me, and I'm on anitibiotics for my infected ear, what happens? The pain monster returns.

So enjoy my words, while I wince. No doubt some of you will say God is punishing me, and if you believe that please leave me page and never come back because you are a philistine.

I may write something new later on when I'm breathing more easily and not  not straining to breathe, and yes I'm not making any of this up. It's almost 4 years since my heart bypass, so I've had the extra time, but with these amounts of regular pain, it  does feel like a bad bargain. Coming up to 6 years of pain, if you include the arthritis.

I would become a Hedonist if I had the energy, and anybody would care to join in.

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