Monday, 17 December 2018


Disappointed ©
Michael Casey

Well I’m still spewing snot like volcano, so stay as far away from the screen as you read this as your eyesight allows. Me, I can be 4 metres away as I’m long sighted, but the rest of you may have to suffer, or hold up a plastic see through umbrella as you read this. Let’s hope you’re not disappointed with what you read, holding an umbrella in front of your PC will only make your friends mock you in the office where you are reading this.

So disappointment involves reputation and your standing in the community. Boris, Lech and Gregorgi we are so disappointed in you, you should have known better, I’m sure the boys heard that often as they grew up. But when they Saved Christmas as you’ve read on my site, or when they had other glorious adventures I’m sure their teacher Miss Smackalotoff is now be so proud.

Despite everything they do love her, and make sure she always has 3 litres of vodka under her bed, next to her Kalashnikov. She has to frighten the wolves away occasionally, hence the Kalashnikov. She always gets the first bottle of vodka from each new draft, it’s so much better than a soppy letter, or a boring email. Vodka touches the heart, and is the perfect token of love, from 3 very naughty schoolboys.

You can be disappointed by the food, especially at this time of year, everybody likes to have some nice food and some good 70s music at the staff Christmas do. So if the highlight of the year is limp half cooked food, you are very very disappointed. And get drunk to make up for the lack of good food. Trevor will sneak out to the pizza place next door and sneak in the pizzas, everybody else is having roast beef and yorkshire pudding alleged.

One by one, table by table pizzas are brought in. The owner of the bistro, comes and threatens to throw everybody out. Big mistake, Mandy with her blonde pony tail steps forward and puts him in a choke hold, she is a big wrestling fan, in fact Giant Haystacks was her granddad. So the bistro owner decides to turn a blind eye. That was naughty says Sara as she French Kisses Mandy, Katy Perry’s song I kissed a girl and I liked it was playing, but that was not the reason.

They are one true lovers. Sara says she should handle it and indeed she will, but in the morning. Sara works for the Legal Team in the office, so will demand and get a full refund in cash, before calling Peter her brother in Environmental Health who will shut down the bisto on health grounds.

So when you are disappointed for any reason there is always something you can do. The most important thing is not for it to get on top of you, step back, have a cry as I’m sure Theresa May has, and plot your revenge which should be served cold. You have to decide what ever has disappointed you will it kill you or will you move on. Speaking as a Writer I know the Pen is Mightier than the Sword, so use disappointment as a pencil sharpener, use it to plot and help decide how can do better in the future.

So students reading this if those grades are disappointing, then be honest were you on your phone too much. 2 hours study then 30 mins phone is one study method, break up all the study with phone time, but 6 hours a day of actual study at least is what is required if you want to achieve your potential. Keep a phone log and see just how much time you are on it instead of studying. If you are honest then you know what you need to do. There is nothing worse than self induced disappointment, be the C student instead of the fail student, or be the A student and not the C student.

Sleep also helps, studying into the night is all good and well, and cramming may get you through the coming exams. However more sleep and less phone is the better option, then you won’t be disappointed. I’ve sidetracked myself here, but exams are coming in our house, so I hope I speak to any and all students out there. Don’t look back on your life and feel disappointed,

I could say my own life on some levels failed totally, but I’m not disappointed, I’m hoping my life will start in fact and I’ll get my lucky Media break. I could say I’m disappointed in my Health which has gone down a lot since 2013, however I am not disappointed in my Writing. I’ve achieved far more that many many people ever will.

The trick is that you have to accept what you cannot change and live with it, and try and master things you can change. If onlys are a total waste of time, if only I met a Korean Kpop star and had some perfectly formed children. I say this to my Shanghai wife and she laughs. If you read Padre Pio and Me on the site you will have more background, read it with Its All in the Stars and Battered Husband.

So I hope you are all not disappointed with today’s piece, as for me  I’m happy because an old Intempo shower loudspeaker still works, and sounds great with Fleetwood Mac. Which reminds me I hope you did not need the umbrella too much as I sneezed as I talked to you. PR people say disappointment leads to an opportunity, the only thing that really really works is self discipline.    

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