Thursday, 29 November 2018

a warm welcome to you all

 a warm welcome to you all, Russia, Chile, Japan, Belgium, USA, German and all of you everywhere today and everyday.
I just read an old Totoro story, I hope you love them in Japan especially. my daughter is a Studio Ghbili fan so when my girls got their cat she just had to be called Totoro.
I'm in pain and full of snot today, so maybe no new story today.
I'm waiting for a flying carpet to arrive, and for my cold to depart. I do enjoy seeing  my stories shade in the map. There are over 2000 pieces of writing to read here. I'm not expecting you to pay the writer via a  visit to Amazon books/ebooks. So just in case I die I've loaded up my words, I'm not expecting to die soon, just a few more years of pain for you the readers. Besides I want to hit 3,000,000 words and I'm not halfway done yet. Any Kpop star visiting uk is welcome to visit and be my speed typist. I could finish Tears for a Butcher another 600page comedy drama in 3 months if I could just sit and dictate it. Otherwise I'll probably never finish it. It takes a year and a lot of energy to write a full length book. As I don't have that amount of energy I write shorts instead nowadays. Though they are like Lego and can be joined together.

Anyway for all lovers of Korea and KPop here's a piece for the EaST.

K POP saves the World ©
Michael Casey

As I flagged yesterday I’ll write something about Pop Stars today, I’ve even changed my usual Font. I did think of one thing and then another, then I had a splat idea. Its the Jackson Pollock school of writing after all, as we lie in our beds the Angel of Death approaches, and the Dove of Peace is just a tiny tiny mustard seed in comparison. I am talking of the looming nuclear war in North Korea.

Read these two links before I resume, with a fresh coffee in my hand.

The 1st is a worrying news item,  the 2nd is K Pop.

I’m listening to REM as they sing “Everybody Hurts” I’ve chosen their Automatic for the People album as the backdrop while I talk to you all. Sorry Justin and your Beavers I’m not going to mock you, you do a good enough job on your own. And Snoop you walk your own dog, Eminem go back to school, but Justin dear Justin, I taught you everything you know, now its time to use your 20/20 Vision.

Instead I want to talk about Music, if it be the food of love play on. I wish I could lip sinc the entire film Moulin Rouge as I love it so much. My favorite scene is where the black guy punches the count and save Nicole Kidman. But I digress as ever, but I have such great legs so I should be in a dress. So today’s idea is K Pop for Peace.

23 million people in North Korea are being led by somebody who could be a fat rapper, who has spent everybody’s 50cents on Nuclear Bling, who could poison his own country’s water supply when the mountain where the testing is done collapses around him. In the South everybody has everything, they even have FOOD. So what are we to do to avoid the 1st Strike from USA, or a very close 2nd strike if the Panzi, which is a Chinese word for Fat or Pig, tries to get in first. The Logic Of Madness, this is actually a simple concept if you put yourself in the shoes of the madman. This is where the madman kills everything he loves, such as his own family, and then everybody just cannot understand why. Sadly we see such cases in the newspaper from time to time.

The Dear Leader loves nobody, he is corrupt and just loves his own position. So why will he listen to say a fat guy with silver hair in shades from Birmingham? He has not looked in the mirror and changed, he has not had a road to Damascus experience, he has no Soul. He hacked our NHS, it was only saved by a young guy who is now in Jail in USA for something, its due in court soon. A comedy about North Korea, not very funny in the artistic sense resulted in Sony being hacked. People forget Koreans are very clever, even if just in the Military sense in the North.

So what are we to do?

Pack up all your troubles in your all kit bag and sing, yes sing. All you Rappers and hard men out there, why not sing for Peace. I dare you to have a Dream, like King and yes like Abba. Pop stars always say in answer to what is their one dream, world peace, that was until one DJ punched the pop star, be realistic the interviewer shouted.

So Snoop follow your dog’s lead, 50 Cents lend us a penny, no not for a pee, just show us your sparkle, and all the rest of you out there in Hard Man Wrapper Land. Your time has come. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. And the answer is sing Take me Home Country Roads and all the John Denver hits. Yes, all you hard rappers out there, Sing Country. And may Buddy Rich rock and roll in his grave. As for all you gyrating girl singers there is room for you too, as I sit here talking to you Love Hurts plays again, so you Ladies can sing that and shake as only you can shake, while I finish my Lemonade.

Then here’s the clever bit track back from Sony to North Korea and let them hear the music. Let them have a Soul, let them dance. All of North Korea’s public address system is taken over by music. First the rappers singing country, they will be the storm troopers of love. Then Let the music sing let the music take over. Surround North Korea with K POP the only language they understand. From South Korea, from Japan and from China too, not forgetting a few Russians.

Constant K pop, the music of fun and laughter and very pretty girls, not forgetting Gangham Style. Broadcast at them on every radio frequency, on every IP address, take over the North Korean nuclear program with K Pop Music, and not forgetting Abba. The Dear Leader presses a button and all he gets is every tv and computer coming to life with K Pop, and then the population have something to really cry about.

Cry with happiness because K-Pop has saved them from the starvation of the spirit. This should be a cue for a Rapper to sing something good, but are any of you good enough? I’ll have a sip of lemonade while you reach for your dictionary. But I’m sure King would know what to say. Or do we just ask the King, Elvis to say a word now. Yes maybe Mr Gangham Style himself should start singing in the Ghetto. North Korea needs to leave  the Ghetto and enter the sunshine. Sing Rappers sing, Take me Home Country Roads, in Korean.



Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

A warm welcome to Chile

spotted Chile as a new reader so welcome,

to read my comic novel in  Spanish,then get Radio Nacional Chile to put it on the radio.

bbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015

Down and Out


Down and Out ©
Michael Casey

Well the flu is leaving me like a receding tide, just leaving snot stains on my nose and on my sleeve where I could not find my tissue in time. So I decided to put some Genesis on, starting over the writing again, only I picked the wrong track which means I’m listening to Down and Out from And Then There Were Three Album. It does not matter It gives me another direction to point at. Yes, I’ve been Down and Out a few times in my life, but I always get back up again, and yes just before Dawn is the worst point. So you just have to dust yourself off and try again, and again and again and again and again. If you are one of my readers in Russia you know all about not giving in, you had the Nazi bastards in your living room and in your cellar, but you beat them, you beat them, Mother Russia beat them.

When you are down it can be hard so depressing, so you have to brighten your life up. Get out of the house and take a walk in the park, watch the tulips grow, watch the little old ladies walk in the snow. Go to the chip shop and try chatting up the girl behind the counter, only you never saw her large wedding ring, and her husband is as big as an Ox carrying in not one but two sacks of potatoes at a time. Then her gay brother tries chatting you up instead. Life is strange, but at least you got out the house and talked to a human voice, not shouting at the radio and its vacuous presenters who are cloned from plastic coffee cups polluting the world.

So you end up having a gay friend, your first ever gay friend, but at least you get free chips, and the Ox of a man likes you too, because you are kind to his gay brother in law. Sometimes good things come when you least expect them, Tim confides in you, he says you are so nice you could be gay too. A compliment you’d rather not have, so you boast about your large collection of magazines under your mattress. So Tim sniggers, so you show his some, just to prove how straight you are.

This has unintended consequences, Tim looks at the naked girls and says what kind of look or fashion would suit them best, before they are fully undressed. Otherwise he’s not interested. You joke and say you’d like a job taking such photos. Tim reveals a friend of his, a gay friend is in actual fact a Fashion Photographer, not a very famous one, but nevertheless that’s his job. Then you finish eating your chips.

So life is hard, but you’ve made a new friend just when you thought you’d had your chips, and life was rubbing salt in your wounds, and you were ready for that final drink of vinegar. Tim said he’d take you somewhere special. So you caught two buses in the Autumn chill, then you came to a warehouse in Tipton. You were at Flash Harry’s it was his fashion photographer’s place.

Just pretend you are gay, instructs Tim. So you pretend you are gay as Tim leans into you, as close as an Arab when talking. The British have a personal space that is much bigger, but different nationalities have different person spaces. Then you see Flash Harry taking photos of naked girls, it’s too good to be true, but you are gay so you cannot make any crass comments. After an hour, you realise that posing is not just standing there, and you appreciate what Harry is trying to do.

Tim lies that you are a bit of a snapper yourself and have a large portfolio, he’s talking about under your mattress. So Flash Harry hands you a camera while he puts the kettle on. Mary from the Dairy asks how do you want her, so you bite your lip. But once the camera is between you and her it feels different, just ask any real photographer. So you spend 10 minutes taking photos. Flash Harry comes back with the teas and Mary from the Dairy puts a dressing gown on.

Over tea they bring your snaps up on the monitor. And guess what, you have the gift. So there you are, you were down and nearly out but you found a way out via the chip shop. So you go to a gay club,by the Jester in Birmingham to celebrate your new career as a Fashion Photographer. You meet loads of the gay community, men and women, and straight girls who enjoy the best music in gay bars.

Everything is coming up roses, but there always cave men out here, so you are bullied for being gay, despite your protests, but you have to protect Tim, he’s smaller than you, and it’s the very least you can do after his friendship has lead to a new life for you. Run you scream to Tim, run I’ll hold them back. Tim wants to stay but he runs as your curse him to. You get a beating and it could have continued, but out of the darkness the Ox appears, he’s moonlighting as security nearby. He saves you,but as for the cavemen they have had their chips as they get thrown into the Canal, we have more canals than Venice here in Birmingham, not a lot of people know that.

After that your life is great, news spreads, the chip eater took a beating for his gay friend, and a Ox a man mountain appeared to save the day. Flash Harry makes you a partner in the business, you really do have the gift. No need for the portfolio under your mattress, all day long you are taking photos of naked women. But now you realise that a women is a person, and you feel almost ashamed. Mary from the Dairy becomes a friend, and then more. She takes your photo naked just so you can feel what it feels like. You hate it, and delete the photos. But the love for her keeps on growing.

So the moral of the story is, have some chips and add some salt to your life, life is not all vinegar, even on your darkest day. And no you cannot take naked photos of me, not unless your name is Mary from the Dairy.

I’m still under the weather

still  lazing with my Panda, I did have a hot shower, the Panda insisted.
where does all the snot come from? Discuss
my files seem to have disappeared, so here’s a Chinese Translation of
The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker         I’d love to conquer China with my words, and get paid, so Chinese Media get in  touch, in English.

Feeling Relaxed

Monday, 19 November 2018

Feeling Relaxed   is where you  can go to hear 200+ stories of mine read by me, yes in my own posh Birmingham accent. Feeling Relaxed (c)
Michael Casey
I’m feeling quite relaxed right now, I’ve staggered back up the hill with Milk and Fresh Orange Juice, and I did not sound like an abusive phone call when  I got home. Not too much heavy breathing, the trick is to rest 3 times while going up the hill. It will either kill me or make me fitter. Though I bumped into the Lizzie one of the local child minders, she looked after ours once or twice in the past.  She had a push chair with her and a toddler. So she is far fitter than me pushing kids up and down hills. She also has a degree in Marine Biology if I remember rightly. See our child minders are super educated.
Now today I’ve not needed a nap, so my body has recovered. Though I still wake up like a vampire every 2 hours in the night. Needing not fresh blood but the bathroom. I’ve had a nice day, I wrote Friend CV earlier in the day, though as ever I started with one idea in my head but ended putting a different one on the page. I had thought of writing something in the style of Linkedin Profile which I wrote years ago, you can find it amongst the 2100 other pieces of writing on my site.
In the end the direct comedy came to the fore. Remember too that everything I write is for the ears, you are supposed to be hearing this not reading this. So get your boyfriend to read it to you, and then you will allow him to do the washing up. Boys just love playing sinking submarines in  the kitchen sink with the cups and saucers. Or bribe him with your last Rolo, and I don’t mean the slobbering chocolate coloured ladrador that I meet in the woods the other day. Though he may just slobber in some other way, if you persuade him to read my stories aloud.
I’m listening to Miley Cyrus right now, she has a really great voice, and Taylor Swift was here earlier putting the cups and saucers in our kitchen sink.  Justin was Timberlaking in the kitchen sink too, he should have been in the Navy he loves playing submarines in my kitchen sink so much. Though he always leaves a trail of breadcrumbs all over our kitchen floor. Speaking of floor I asked could he give it a quick mop, and he started dancing, with his one foot on the floor dragging a kitchen cloth everywhere. Only it was not kitchen cloth, it was Totoro our cat,  it really was such a shiny floor when Timberlake had finished. That was when Totoro broke free and scratched his legs. He’ll tell everybody its a new tattoo until the scars heal. He did learn how to reach  those very high notes too, grace a Totoro our Ninja Cat.
So I see its nearly 10pm  now so I must watch some more tv news, how many more people has Trump insulted today? Do you think Jimmy Hoffa’s body is buried in the foundations of Trump Tower, or would that win him more support from his  Religious Right Base. As somebody that loves History, I cannot understand how people have been suckered by the Trump magic trick.
Let’s hope it doesn’t end with a star erupting. I did write a piece about aliens intervening in Human Life, I’ll try and dig it out, but it must be somewhere on this site. Butcher Baker Undertaker site
So with Miley Cyrus finishing off her song, I’ll listen to the sound of my Tinnitus, a new disease I’ve acquired only this year. Then I may watch Mrs May before I hit the sack.
I hope you are just as  relaxed, and if you are not you can play submarines in the kitchen sink, until your lover screams stop that racket and come to bed.
BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وmy new bedBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015Altogether Now2016

11 nations reading today, plus Brunei on wordpress

 So 12 of you, have you got nothing better to do? Thank you My head is exploding and I've slapped on neem on my arthritis shoulder and M...