Thursday, 25 November 2021

nothing new today

nothing new today

so go on a treasure hunt to find something

3500 pieces here

and Translations Galore over on Wordpress

Koreans still downloading

So hello to them all

Tinnitus and Pain etc is still the same too

ungently killing me

Like Plate Tectonics gently wearing  tearing me away

o me miserum as the Roman slaves used to say

It's freezing today

if Tinnitus were a slave at least I'd be warmer in bed

enough said

Russian readers everywhere the Russian ALL file

has 1,000,000 words in before Translated into Russian

9 or 10 books all in it

So download and save for later

Meanwhile Civil War in USA continues

How a blonde clown could have so much influence

is a terrible indictment on USA society

Saw file yesterday Boston Strong about marathon bombing in 2013

THat was impressive and showed the true Spirit of USA

why cannot all of USA be like Boston?

and by the way my first cousin is a cop in Boston

I suppose Prayer is the answer to everything

Pray that Corruption is rooted out

and Trump and GOP needs to Go

DAs donation to the Stop the Steal

This is insanity and corruption

But I'm a nothing a nobody far away in chilly Birmingham England

But Words do have a very long reach

In the Beginning was the Word...

where my mum as born


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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...