Wednesday, 3 November 2021

A repost that somebody was reading last night

A repost that somebody was reading last night

originally written in 2009, and reposted a year ago

now a year later reposted again below

BUT first

Somebody can you DUMP all the Trump 6th Jan info ONLINE

Otherwise his lies will linger

So Just DUMP all of it ONLINE today

As for Dems

Get your Act together

a guy called Miller stated all this in a piece I read yesterday

He agrees with me really, not that he's ever heard of me

DO something DEMOCRATS before the Liar wins it back in 2024

Get something over the Line before you lose the ability

Just as Obama was scuttled

GET something over the line

STOP squabbling

Or is that too simple

Vanity rules

Over here in UK a tiny Oxford Graduate College

Is going to change its name because of a large Vietnamese donation

Well God bless her and Vietnam too

One of our Top Drs here fighting Covid has Vietnamese roots

Prof. Van-Tam 

As for me I'll never have money like that to give away

But I'd probably say no sign, or name change

Maybe a plaque from Amazon

Stuck to the Security building wall

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades paid for all this building

So people would think just the shed where security hung out

and not just the $1,000,000,000 donation

Students would vomit over it, on Freshers Day

As the security crew rescued them

And yes I've done security, so I know all the friendships

that are the walking talking backbone of buildings 

So Now here's the old piece originally. from 2009

And Biden's Democrats grow up fast today

and be like the security crew anywhere

Hard Working and covering all the bases

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Why is America Afraid of Charles Darwin?

 Why is America Afraid of Charles Darwin? Sep 12, ’09 1:22 PM

for everyone

By Michael Casey

I just read in The Daily Telegraph, a major English newspaper that  a new film about Darwin has failed to find a distributor in the USA. I am shocked and saddened. Why? Because nobody in the rest of the world would still behave like naive children. If we accept the Theory of Evolution then we still have the question who created it all in the 1st place, and the answer to that is no doubt, GOD. The Bible was written by an elite who could write, the common man was still in the dark. Really, the people who don’t believe in the Theory are still 150 years behind the times. As children we come out of the dark of the womb into the noise of the world.

 Without being suckled we would all die. In the bad old days, many many children died or did not make it past infancy. In China there is a celebration when a child reached its 100days. As we grow we sit up, we look about and we smile. For six months we are nothing more than eating and puking and poohing animals. With Love and Care and Affection we grown and we stand up and we start to eat solids. Love and Faith start while we are at the nipple. We learn to talk and then we learn to read, We go to school and we read books. We also go to church and listen to the Bible being read. Or we go to the Mosque and hear the Koran, or we go to the Synagogue and hear Scripture. We are nurtured spiritually and literally. As we grow we learn more things from books and from study at school. We discover things via the National Geographic TV or by the BBC, but  all the time we are growing.

 AS we learn we discover things that shock us.  Was it only back in the 60s that we had segregation and people called dark skinned neighbours N*****. Did people really call homosexuals Faggots and Queers. Were people who demonstrated against Vietnam Communists. The stain of 3 assassinations in the 1960s lingers on. So the question is how far have we grown, how far have we travelled? If we never change then we are either a rock or we are dead. If we are literalists, and  we think that even word in Genesis is the Gospel Truth, then it means we have kept the minds of 5000year old people.

 Perhaps Man never walked on the Moon, perhaps it was Faked on a beach in Fort Lauderdale or wherever, perhaps the Moon IS made of Cheese. The Interior journey is always the longest and the hardest, I’m still on that path and will be till I die, I’m the Catholic who spent every lunch hour for 3 years hiding in the Protestant Cathedral, why? because as mountain climbers say “because it was there” and not because I’m “holy” but because I’m in need of prayer. I have managed to come up with some really good poetry due to my time spent before the cross.

 As for Evolution, I read a history book when I was 10 it was called “The Outline Of History” by H.G. Wells, it mentioned The Theory Of Evolution, don’t be afraid of a 150year old theory. For if we evolved doesn’t it prove just how Childish we, and by we I mean Mankind is. WE  needed such a long time to evolve because WE ARE SO STUPID. LOVE should turn swords into ploughs BUT how are we all doing? WE still bickering worse than children, we are still calling are neighbours N***** and Faggots.

 IT is Time for all of this to end, look into Space at night and see the Glory of God’s creation, the stars at night, these are God’s watch, the night breeze of your face is HIS breath. What difference does it make if HE did it in 6days and rested on the 7th, or IF Darwin is right. But don’t be afraid of a film and “ban” it. Time, Evolution, and our Wisdom is just a Joke compared to God’s LOVE.

Today is 4th Nov 2020, the day after the Biden Trump Election, result still not known

But 11 years after I wrote this, America still seems like a moody teenager.

photo is where my mum was born, very very poor, but VERY STRONG FAITH

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