Friday, 5 November 2021

5th November 2021 Guy Fawkes, Bonfire Night. in UK

5th November 2021 Guy Fawkes, Bonfire Night. in UK

Also 55 years ago or so

The day I could have died

I reached up on top of an old dresser in the old coal shed

looking for paper to stuff the guy with

I dragged off the paper with a cast iron single gas burner on top

It hit my head, I could have been dead in a coal shed

My mum wrapped a tea towel on my head and we caught

the bus together to Dudley Rd hospital

or was it a taxi there with Mr Morgan our hugely fat taxi driver

and the bus back

I do remember the bus, and the tea towel wrapped around my head

like an Indian in a turban

SO WATCH  how you store things and watch naughty children

I wasn't always "perfect"

So Guy Fawkes always reminds me how I could have died

in a coal shed

Had an Xray,  went home still alive

Until years later slid down a shed and got a bolt u my left bum cheek

Any deeper I could have been  had big trouble

Had to sit side saddle for weeks over the summer

Dad took me to hospital for that, came back Bob Hope was on Tv

Child in a cage comedy from 1960s

My eldest brother was home from Queens Oxford

so I had to show him the plaster on my bum

from waist to just above the back of my knee

So much History

Now I have quadruple heart bypass scars on on chest

and from ankle to naughty bits on both legs 

where wriggly veins were harvested to put in my chest

I also have a bulge a lump  in the middle of my chest

 as big as an orange that inflates

Where my hernia through bypass scar is

See I'm so attractive, would you like that in your bed

I can hear you all vomiting into the bucket by your PC

or does some peverves future typist find that alluring 

In bed with a panda

so this is not a story so won't be in any book

but are you all wondering just how do I look?

7 years nearly extra time, or do you wish guy fawkes had me 

and i was burnt on a fire long long ago

this is part of what you would have never got

my writing

ALL in ONE place Translations Galore

ALL in ONE place Translations Galore


Arabic Altogether NowALL for KoreaKOREAN Quick StoriesWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015Wydanie polskie Still Alive 2015 – Copywin Wiersze dla wszystkichVietnamese Translation The Butcher The Baker and The UndertakerTURKISH tRANSLATION OF bbuThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationsspanish-bbuSpanish BBUportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019PORTUGUESE BBU2019polish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translationschinese translation BBUchina-bbu-converted-1China BBU-convertedChina BBUbengali-translation-of-bbuBengali Translation of BBUbbu-russian-translation-microsoft-wordbbu-italian (2)bbu-in-arabicbbu-germanBBU UrduBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU ITALIANBBU IndonesianBBU in KOREANBBU in Indian HindiBBU in HebrewBBU in HebrewBBU in ArabicBBU in Indian HindipersianBBUPORTUGUESE BBU2019В поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015   

It is nice to see every day where you all are as you read my stories

It is over 80 places worldwide

I’ve covered all the major language groups and you can all buy my Original English

on Amazon

I only read emails in ENGLISH with a decent subject line and I never click links

Junk emails just get deleted unread

Now curl up in bed and read my stories


yes this is me on  14th Oct 2019, I think

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