Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Bottom Line

 Bottom Line

a lower standard of living to save the Planet

But will people accept that?

It's cold here in Birmingham today

And heat pumps will never be good enough

In a warmer place, but otherwise maybe not UK


But make the demonstrators DO IT

Instead of Jailing them

Make them Insulate UK, as the Punishment

Or would that be too simple

 I had the new house done, and it's quite cheap

It's the labour that costs the most

You can find a photo on my sites of the man who did it

Perhaps we should just put on a jumper or two

Instead of walking around the house naked

Or more just more sex to warm us all up

Put plastic cling film over the windows

If you cannot afford Double glazing, though triple would be best

Google how to make your house warmer

And follow your nose

We did all this 40. years ago at the family house

Apart from the double glazing which we could not afford

Ice on the inside of the bedroom window in Winter

Nobody is as hardy as they used to be

Too many allergies and bitching

Instead of fixing

Insulate Britain Yes

Stop blocking the roads and go down

B&Q and Builders places and start INSULATING

Hot air is just that, you have to DO something


and wasting all our money on Policing

Roll up your sleeves and do something

go around your neighbour and actually

Insulate a house, POSITIVE real ACTION

Instead of being a pain for everybody

Or is that too simple

I could go on but, I don't waste my spit

On wannabe Hippies

This I imagine is the opinion 90% of the Population has

Draft excluders of a mat to the door, thicker curtains

There used to be a stick outside our sidedoor

This was to keep the drafts out

In the Summer we used it to play cricket with

Maybe some of you did the same, growing up poor

Enough for now

All of you can do a little bit

And every little bit adds up

The Long March started with one step

Reaching for the Moon, started with a firework

Do small things, they all add up

And when you finish having sex, but a vest back on

and put your hat back on too

And close the windows and curtains

Some may like it HOT

But in private

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