Saturday, 20 November 2021

jennypink19 hello to you BUT I don't update Tumblr so HERE is the best place to read my RUBBISH


jennypink19  hello to you BUT I don't update Tumblr 

so HERE is the best place to read my RUBBISH

I got an auto message saying you are following TUMBLR

but as I said I don't update it

Sorry for outing you this way

But I think yours may be a Phantom account

so I hope I'm not doing you any harm

Tinnitus is not catching anyway

It really is handicapping my life these past 6  months 

at nighttimes especially

BUT here there are 3500 pieces of  whatever you want to call it

2000 are stories, the rest are chats like this, on this my main website

In the other corner of the room my smallest daughter is studying

A Levels and all that, University in the Summer of next year

I'm guessing  you are young and Black from the USA

But not unless you are really Opera then I'll never know

Pink the singer she is great, she'd smack my face if I upset her

Who else might you be, not Michelle married to the guy without a job now

Stay safe in the USA its a very dangerous place

Please God Trump goes away, Golf courses in North Korea maybe

I could go on, and I have experience in that 2,000,000 words worth

I put rubbish photos with my words as I detest the posed pictures

I am no oil painting anyway

Not unless you like Picasso or Jackson Pollock

though my writing is like Pollocks

a load of Pollocks maybe

stay  happy, I may put this on Tumblr if I can get back in again

BUt thanks for passing by anyway

or you could be Korean trying to confuse me, only God knows

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...