Monday, 28 October 2019

So what makes a great K-drama

So What makes a great K-drama

So What makes a great K-drama? ©
Michael Casey

As I mentioned yesterday I’ve decided to do K-Drama for my PhD thesis. Dr Michael Casey PhD K-Drama, it has a certain ring to it don’t you agree? To get a PhD you need 20,000 hours of study, I heard it on Alcatraz a great series, that got canceled. A huge Sumo size guy had a love interest with a most beautiful girl, so obviously I had an immediate connection to him, but his connection to her never happened as the show was canceled. It really was great show, Sam Neil was in it too, we were really sad in our house when the show just disappeared.

I’ve really enjoyed New Amsterdam a medical drama, I just hope there are more of them. Every episode of New Amsterdam made me cry, and no I’m not a big baby, I am the man with the child in his eyes. Tom from the Blacklist was the main hero Dr in it, and he had cancer. So it was strange watching Tom being a Dr instead of a kind of hit man. But that is the Power of Acting, and great drama. I also loved the Black lead heart surgeon, he was so cool. He also prayed before he saved so obviously total respect for him, and yes he made me cry too. My favourite character in the show was the Dr or Quack , a big bear of a man with a beard, a psychiatrist, who it later revealed was also Gay. He was just so good in the show.

So you can see from my research, a show must make you connect with the characters, and the plot must be good. What’s on the page must be lifted by the production. Which brings me to K-drama. We used to watch Chinese shows, as my wife was from Shanghai and it was good for our girls to hear Chinese too, however when you compare Chinese shows to Korean shows the Korean shows win hands down. I recently started to watch a new show, and it was about K pop, a Chinese show. However if you compared the singing and the dancing in the Chinese show to the Korean version what do you think the result is? Korea wins hands down.

That hurt, don’t throw the wok at the screen again please, I’m covered in noodles and egg fried rice, not even a single prawn thrown at me. Maybe I’m not a Prawn again Christian, ok, a very old joke, just don’t throw a wok full of your dinner at your screen again. Or I’ll send Tom from the Blacklist to sort you out, and he won’t be in New Amsterdam mode either.

Let me explain, I’ve not gone crackers, throw some of them and I’ll eat them. The K drama and K Pop people go to a “university” to become a star before they debut. A kind of Rada I suppose, so when they dance they really can dance. Not me pretending to Irish dance in my local store for 1 minute, it does have a concrete floor after all. And then I’m knackered for the rest of the day. No Korean performers know how to perform. I did think of dressing in drag and joining a girl band, a K-pop band. But I had an accident with a borrower cigarette lighter as I was trying to get rid of excess body hair. I am as hairy as a brown bear maybe I should have been that Quack in New Amsterdam, without be gay that is.

So in Korean shows there is lots of high energy. Lots of crying, where I join in, and plenty of sweeping music that swells and touches the heart, well mine anyway, and my heart has been touched a lot, if only by the heart surgeon nearly 5 years ago. The girls cry rivers for their man, and they are generally so pretty, if you had a Korean grannie as your girlfriend she would look younger than a 25 year old, even though she may qualify for a free bus pass here in Birmingham. My own old Shanghai wife was in that category. It’s a cross I had to carry.

No, I don’t watch Korean shows just for the girls looks, the boys look great too, ask your gay friends around and watch a few K-dramas, it will have you hooked more than Strictly Come Dancing or the hallowed Coronation Street. The twins in The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker are named in honour of the barmaids from Coronation Street, if I may interject, they can’t touch you for interjections, another very old joke.

So if you think of Fairy Tales with witches and demons, and evil kings and suppressed people, add Pantomime jokes and music and dancing. All set in Korea where common people like me, not jokes please, live in 5 star apartments, the standard of living looks so high compared to UK, or my house at any rate. All set in today’s times then you have a K-drama. The recent one the K2 was like James Bond on steroids, and this is a tv show. Mind you they have 16 one hour episodes without any ads, so the production values are very high. No wobbly scenery like Crossroads. Speaking of which I once saw Noelle Gordon in Call Me Madame a Musical at the Birmingham Rep, and she was ace.
Then throw in action scenes or a car crash or two, which would not look out of place in a Bond film, and you have a K-drama. The girl friend comes racing to the hospital tears everywhere, and they really really do know how to cry. So I join in, and the music swells and the soundtrack plays high. Seeing a Korean girl cry will break your heart, and make you wish could marry her. Then her boyfriend is all bandaged up and and doesn’t want her to see him in such a state so his bodyguards prevent her from entering the room so she can hug him. He starts to cry too, seeing a hunk crying as he is all bandaged up, as his girl sobs on the door outside his hospital room, should move you. If it does not then you have no soul, no Seoul at all.

As for me I have 2 more hours to finish tonight of Oh My Venus, then with my tear stained handkerchief I will rejoice as my Seoul rejoices, Love Conquers All in Korea. As the neighbours bang on the door, as I listen at full volume. Not unless it’s that K pop girl come to type for me, Tears for a Butcher, as this writer wipes the tears of joy away.
and today here on WordPress 7. thats SEVEN translations are being read in one day
so Mainstream Media, how about giving me a break, before I die, as I used to say to the kids. I also used to play dead all the time and lie on the floor. And no I haven’t done that these past 5 years….
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