well South Korea, India and Canada are some of this morning's readers
first off K2 is the best Kdrama I've seen so far
I've saved the last episode to watch today, as a treat after I buy duck spring rolls
K2 is like James Bond but on steroids
Anna I love you, come and live with me, ditch K2, if only, SIGH
Great stuff everybody should try Kdramas
Now Shep Smith is a great tv Journalist I used to watch him for years
He was so nice, I thought he must be gay, as he is just so nice, and I guessed right
Shep Smith was perfect at explaining things, I even want to have him as a guest appearance
in Tears for a Butcher, when or if I finally get around to writing it
Whatever Shep does next I wish him well, I hope another network picks him up
Though he may decide to teach Jouralism
I know all the jokes about Fox, but he really was good
And no he hasn't sent me an envelope to say this, though I would accept one,
my address is
Trump tower, by the dustbins, next to the open sewers.
I have to get dressed now, after a SSS, *** shower and shave
and Anna in Korea, I love you
K2 that haircut she gave you makes you look like a Kpop star
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